Turn-taking: From perception to speech preparation
Wesselmeier H, Müller HM (2015)
Neuroscience Letters 609: 147-151.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Abstract / Bemerkung
We investigated the preparation of a spoken answer response to interrogative sentences by measuring response time (RT) and the response-related readiness potential (RP). By comparing the RT and RP results we aimed to identify whether the RP-onset is more related to the actual speech preparation process or the pure intention to speak after turn-anticipation. Additionally, we investigated if the RP-onset can be influenced by the syntactic structure (one or two completion points). Therefore, the EEG data were sorted based on two variables: the cognitive load required for the response and the syntactic structure of the stimulus questions. The results of the response utterance preparation associated event-related potential (ERP) and the RT suggest that the RP-onset is more related to the actual speech preparation process rather than the pure intention to speak after turn-anticipation. However, the RP-onset can be influenced by the syntactic structure of the question leading to an early response preparation.
Event-related potential;
readiness potential;
spoken language;
articulation preparation;
Neuroscience Letters
Urheberrecht / Lizenzen
Page URI
Wesselmeier H, Müller HM. Turn-taking: From perception to speech preparation. Neuroscience Letters. 2015;609:147-151.
Wesselmeier, H., & Müller, H. M. (2015). Turn-taking: From perception to speech preparation. Neuroscience Letters, 609, 147-151. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neulet.2015.10.033
Wesselmeier, Hendrik, and Müller, Horst M. 2015. “Turn-taking: From perception to speech preparation”. Neuroscience Letters 609: 147-151.
Wesselmeier, H., and Müller, H. M. (2015). Turn-taking: From perception to speech preparation. Neuroscience Letters 609, 147-151.
Wesselmeier, H., & Müller, H.M., 2015. Turn-taking: From perception to speech preparation. Neuroscience Letters, 609, p 147-151.
H. Wesselmeier and H.M. Müller, “Turn-taking: From perception to speech preparation”, Neuroscience Letters, vol. 609, 2015, pp. 147-151.
Wesselmeier, H., Müller, H.M.: Turn-taking: From perception to speech preparation. Neuroscience Letters. 609, 147-151 (2015).
Wesselmeier, Hendrik, and Müller, Horst M. “Turn-taking: From perception to speech preparation”. Neuroscience Letters 609 (2015): 147-151.
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