Small data scattering for semi-relativistic equations with Hartree type nonlinearity

Herr S, Tesfahun A (2015)
Journal of Differential Equations 259(10): 5510-5532.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Herr, SebastianUniBi ; Tesfahun, Achenef
Abstract / Bemerkung
We prove that the initial value problem for the equation i partial derivative tu + root m2-Delta u = (e-mu broken vertical bar x broken vertical bar/broken vertical bar x broken vertical bar* broken vertical bar u broken vertical bar) u in R1+3, m >= 0, mu 0 > 0 is globally well-posed and the solution scatters to free waves asymptotically as t oo if we start with initial data which is small in FP (R3) for s> and if m > 0. Moreover, if the initial data is radially symmetric we can improve the above result to m > 0 and s > 0, which is almost optimal, in the sense that L-2(R-3) is the critical space for the equation. The main ingredients in the proof are certain endpoint Strichartz estimates, L-2(R1+3) bilinear estimates for free waves and an application of the UP and VP function spaces. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Journal of Differential Equations
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Herr S, Tesfahun A. Small data scattering for semi-relativistic equations with Hartree type nonlinearity. Journal of Differential Equations. 2015;259(10):5510-5532.
Herr, S., & Tesfahun, A. (2015). Small data scattering for semi-relativistic equations with Hartree type nonlinearity. Journal of Differential Equations, 259(10), 5510-5532. doi:10.1016/j.jde.2015.06.037
Herr, Sebastian, and Tesfahun, Achenef. 2015. “Small data scattering for semi-relativistic equations with Hartree type nonlinearity”. Journal of Differential Equations 259 (10): 5510-5532.
Herr, S., and Tesfahun, A. (2015). Small data scattering for semi-relativistic equations with Hartree type nonlinearity. Journal of Differential Equations 259, 5510-5532.
Herr, S., & Tesfahun, A., 2015. Small data scattering for semi-relativistic equations with Hartree type nonlinearity. Journal of Differential Equations, 259(10), p 5510-5532.
S. Herr and A. Tesfahun, “Small data scattering for semi-relativistic equations with Hartree type nonlinearity”, Journal of Differential Equations, vol. 259, 2015, pp. 5510-5532.
Herr, S., Tesfahun, A.: Small data scattering for semi-relativistic equations with Hartree type nonlinearity. Journal of Differential Equations. 259, 5510-5532 (2015).
Herr, Sebastian, and Tesfahun, Achenef. “Small data scattering for semi-relativistic equations with Hartree type nonlinearity”. Journal of Differential Equations 259.10 (2015): 5510-5532.

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