Dynamical evolution of heavy quarkonia in a deconfined medium

Borghini N, Gombeaud C (2011) .

Report | Englisch
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Borghini, NicolasUniBi ; Gombeaud, Clement
Abstract / Bemerkung
We investigate some consequences of the possibility that heavy quarkonia in aquark-gluon plasma possess different (quasi-) bound states, between whichtransitions are possible. In particular, we show that the time-evolutioneigenstates in the medium are mixtures of the vacuum eigenstates. This leads toabundance ratios of quarkonia that differ from those predicted in statisticalmodels or in the sequential-melting picture.
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Borghini N, Gombeaud C. Dynamical evolution of heavy quarkonia in a deconfined medium.; 2011.
Borghini, N., & Gombeaud, C. (2011). Dynamical evolution of heavy quarkonia in a deconfined medium.
Borghini, Nicolas, and Gombeaud, Clement. 2011. Dynamical evolution of heavy quarkonia in a deconfined medium.
Borghini, N., and Gombeaud, C. (2011). Dynamical evolution of heavy quarkonia in a deconfined medium.
Borghini, N., & Gombeaud, C., 2011. Dynamical evolution of heavy quarkonia in a deconfined medium,
N. Borghini and C. Gombeaud, Dynamical evolution of heavy quarkonia in a deconfined medium, 2011.
Borghini, N., Gombeaud, C.: Dynamical evolution of heavy quarkonia in a deconfined medium. (2011).
Borghini, Nicolas, and Gombeaud, Clement. Dynamical evolution of heavy quarkonia in a deconfined medium. 2011.

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arXiv: 1103.2945

Inspire: 892702

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