CellWhere: graphical display of interaction networks organized on subcellular localizations
Zhu L, Malatras A, Thorley M, Aghoghogbe I, Mer A, Duguez S, Butler-Browne G, Voit T, Duddy W (2015)
Nucleic Acids Research 43(W1): W571-W575.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Zhu, LuUniBi ;
Malatras, Apostolos;
Thorley, Matthew;
Aghoghogbe, Idonnya;
Mer, Arvind;
Duguez, Stéphanie;
Butler-Browne, Gillian;
Voit, Thomas;
Duddy, William
Nucleic Acids Research
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Zhu L, Malatras A, Thorley M, et al. CellWhere: graphical display of interaction networks organized on subcellular localizations. Nucleic Acids Research. 2015;43(W1):W571-W575.
Zhu, L., Malatras, A., Thorley, M., Aghoghogbe, I., Mer, A., Duguez, S., Butler-Browne, G., et al. (2015). CellWhere: graphical display of interaction networks organized on subcellular localizations. Nucleic Acids Research, 43(W1), W571-W575. doi:10.1093/nar/gkv354
Zhu, Lu, Malatras, Apostolos, Thorley, Matthew, Aghoghogbe, Idonnya, Mer, Arvind, Duguez, Stéphanie, Butler-Browne, Gillian, Voit, Thomas, and Duddy, William. 2015. “CellWhere: graphical display of interaction networks organized on subcellular localizations”. Nucleic Acids Research 43 (W1): W571-W575.
Zhu, L., Malatras, A., Thorley, M., Aghoghogbe, I., Mer, A., Duguez, S., Butler-Browne, G., Voit, T., and Duddy, W. (2015). CellWhere: graphical display of interaction networks organized on subcellular localizations. Nucleic Acids Research 43, W571-W575.
Zhu, L., et al., 2015. CellWhere: graphical display of interaction networks organized on subcellular localizations. Nucleic Acids Research, 43(W1), p W571-W575.
L. Zhu, et al., “CellWhere: graphical display of interaction networks organized on subcellular localizations”, Nucleic Acids Research, vol. 43, 2015, pp. W571-W575.
Zhu, L., Malatras, A., Thorley, M., Aghoghogbe, I., Mer, A., Duguez, S., Butler-Browne, G., Voit, T., Duddy, W.: CellWhere: graphical display of interaction networks organized on subcellular localizations. Nucleic Acids Research. 43, W571-W575 (2015).
Zhu, Lu, Malatras, Apostolos, Thorley, Matthew, Aghoghogbe, Idonnya, Mer, Arvind, Duguez, Stéphanie, Butler-Browne, Gillian, Voit, Thomas, and Duddy, William. “CellWhere: graphical display of interaction networks organized on subcellular localizations”. Nucleic Acids Research 43.W1 (2015): W571-W575.
Daten bereitgestellt von European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)
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