Hope for the best, prepare for the worst? Future self-views and preparation for age-related changes

Kornadt A, Voss P, Rothermund K (2015)
Psychology and Aging 30(4): 967-976.

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Kornadt, AnnaUniBi ; Voss, Peggy; Rothermund, Klaus
Psychology and Aging
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Kornadt A, Voss P, Rothermund K. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst? Future self-views and preparation for age-related changes. Psychology and Aging. 2015;30(4):967-976.
Kornadt, A., Voss, P., & Rothermund, K. (2015). Hope for the best, prepare for the worst? Future self-views and preparation for age-related changes. Psychology and Aging, 30(4), 967-976. doi:10.1037/pag0000048
Kornadt, Anna, Voss, Peggy, and Rothermund, Klaus. 2015. “Hope for the best, prepare for the worst? Future self-views and preparation for age-related changes”. Psychology and Aging 30 (4): 967-976.
Kornadt, A., Voss, P., and Rothermund, K. (2015). Hope for the best, prepare for the worst? Future self-views and preparation for age-related changes. Psychology and Aging 30, 967-976.
Kornadt, A., Voss, P., & Rothermund, K., 2015. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst? Future self-views and preparation for age-related changes. Psychology and Aging, 30(4), p 967-976.
A. Kornadt, P. Voss, and K. Rothermund, “Hope for the best, prepare for the worst? Future self-views and preparation for age-related changes”, Psychology and Aging, vol. 30, 2015, pp. 967-976.
Kornadt, A., Voss, P., Rothermund, K.: Hope for the best, prepare for the worst? Future self-views and preparation for age-related changes. Psychology and Aging. 30, 967-976 (2015).
Kornadt, Anna, Voss, Peggy, and Rothermund, Klaus. “Hope for the best, prepare for the worst? Future self-views and preparation for age-related changes”. Psychology and Aging 30.4 (2015): 967-976.

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