Microsecond Deprotonation of Aspartic Acid and Response of the α/β Subdomain Precede C-Terminal Signaling in the Blue Light Sensor Plant Cryptochrome

Thöing C, Oldemeyer S, Kottke T (2015)
Journal of the American Chemical Society 137(18): 5990-5999.

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Journal of the American Chemical Society
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Thöing C, Oldemeyer S, Kottke T. Microsecond Deprotonation of Aspartic Acid and Response of the α/β Subdomain Precede C-Terminal Signaling in the Blue Light Sensor Plant Cryptochrome. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2015;137(18):5990-5999.
Thöing, C., Oldemeyer, S., & Kottke, T. (2015). Microsecond Deprotonation of Aspartic Acid and Response of the α/β Subdomain Precede C-Terminal Signaling in the Blue Light Sensor Plant Cryptochrome. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137(18), 5990-5999. doi:10.1021/jacs.5b01404
Thöing, Christian, Oldemeyer, Sabine, and Kottke, Tilman. 2015. “Microsecond Deprotonation of Aspartic Acid and Response of the α/β Subdomain Precede C-Terminal Signaling in the Blue Light Sensor Plant Cryptochrome”. Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (18): 5990-5999.
Thöing, C., Oldemeyer, S., and Kottke, T. (2015). Microsecond Deprotonation of Aspartic Acid and Response of the α/β Subdomain Precede C-Terminal Signaling in the Blue Light Sensor Plant Cryptochrome. Journal of the American Chemical Society 137, 5990-5999.
Thöing, C., Oldemeyer, S., & Kottke, T., 2015. Microsecond Deprotonation of Aspartic Acid and Response of the α/β Subdomain Precede C-Terminal Signaling in the Blue Light Sensor Plant Cryptochrome. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137(18), p 5990-5999.
C. Thöing, S. Oldemeyer, and T. Kottke, “Microsecond Deprotonation of Aspartic Acid and Response of the α/β Subdomain Precede C-Terminal Signaling in the Blue Light Sensor Plant Cryptochrome”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 137, 2015, pp. 5990-5999.
Thöing, C., Oldemeyer, S., Kottke, T.: Microsecond Deprotonation of Aspartic Acid and Response of the α/β Subdomain Precede C-Terminal Signaling in the Blue Light Sensor Plant Cryptochrome. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 137, 5990-5999 (2015).
Thöing, Christian, Oldemeyer, Sabine, and Kottke, Tilman. “Microsecond Deprotonation of Aspartic Acid and Response of the α/β Subdomain Precede C-Terminal Signaling in the Blue Light Sensor Plant Cryptochrome”. Journal of the American Chemical Society 137.18 (2015): 5990-5999.

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