Maximum Likelihood Multisensory Integration Toolbox
van Dam L, Rohde M (2015)
Matlab Central.
Datenpublikation | Englisch
Abstract / Bemerkung
Humans combine redundant multisensory estimates into a coherent multimodal percept. Experiments in cue integration have shown for many modality pairs and perceptual tasks that multisensory information is fused in a statistically optimal manner: Perceptual judgments take the unimodal sensory reliability into consideration and combine the senses according to the rules of Maximum Likelihood Estimation to maximize overall perceptual precision.
This toolbox, created by Loes van Dam and Marieke Rohde, serves as a tool for analysing psychophysical data in terms of whether or not such statistically optimal integration of the senses occurs. The toolbox expects both unimodal (single cue) as bimodal (multiple cue) psychophysical data to perform this analysis. Further information on how to use the toolbox can be found in the file "toolbox_documentation.pdf" located inside the toolbox folder.
The principles behind optimal multisensory integration and how to measure it are explained in the following paper:
Statistically Optimal Multisensory Cue Integration: A Practical Tutorial (submitted to Multisensory Research)
by Rohde, M., van Dam, L.C.J. & Ernst, M.O.
Please cite this paper if you use the toolbox.
statistical optimality;
multisensory integration;
maximum likelihood estimation
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Page URI
van Dam L, Rohde M. Maximum Likelihood Multisensory Integration Toolbox. Matlab Central; 2015.
van Dam, L., & Rohde, M. (2015). Maximum Likelihood Multisensory Integration Toolbox. Matlab Central. doi:10.4119/unibi/2735805
van Dam, Loes, and Rohde, Marieke. 2015. Maximum Likelihood Multisensory Integration Toolbox. Matlab Central.
van Dam, L., and Rohde, M. (2015). Maximum Likelihood Multisensory Integration Toolbox. Matlab Central.
van Dam, L., & Rohde, M., 2015. Maximum Likelihood Multisensory Integration Toolbox, Matlab Central.
L. van Dam and M. Rohde, Maximum Likelihood Multisensory Integration Toolbox, Matlab Central, 2015.
van Dam, L., Rohde, M.: Maximum Likelihood Multisensory Integration Toolbox. Matlab Central (2015).
van Dam, Loes, and Rohde, Marieke. Maximum Likelihood Multisensory Integration Toolbox. Matlab Central, 2015.
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Wird zitiert von
Statistically Optimal Multisensory Cue Integration: A Practical Tutorial
Rohde M, van Dam L, Ernst MO (2016)
Multisensory Research 29(4-5): 279-317.
Rohde M, van Dam L, Ernst MO (2016)
Multisensory Research 29(4-5): 279-317.