Threat Induced Social Action

Salentin K, Unzicker K (2015) IKG Working Paper; 03.
Bielefeld: Institut für interdisziplinäre Konflikt- und Gewaltforschung.

Diskussionspapier | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
The observation of impending harm to valued objects triggers different kinds of action by social actors. In a synopsis of approaches developed in general sociology, stress psychology, cultural theory, disaster and technical risk research and the sociology of social problems we outline elements of a general model of threat induced social action. Covering concepts such as risk, danger, stressor, and fear, the model treats sources and targets of threats as the outcomes of observation by social actors. A threat relation emerges as a result of a contingent process in which meaning is attributed to phenomena. Observation by actors is influenced by their individual experiences, social and cultural patterns and frames, and the deliberate action of others. Further, the model explains how observation of primary threat reactions is able to create cascades of secondary threats on the part of other actors.
threatrisksocial actionobserverframe
IKG Working Paper
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Salentin K, Unzicker K. Threat Induced Social Action. IKG Working Paper. Vol 03. Bielefeld: Institut für interdisziplinäre Konflikt- und Gewaltforschung; 2015.
Salentin, K., & Unzicker, K. (2015). Threat Induced Social Action (IKG Working Paper, 03). Bielefeld: Institut für interdisziplinäre Konflikt- und Gewaltforschung.
Salentin, Kurt, and Unzicker, Kai. 2015. Threat Induced Social Action. Vol. 03. IKG Working Paper. Bielefeld: Institut für interdisziplinäre Konflikt- und Gewaltforschung.
Salentin, K., and Unzicker, K. (2015). Threat Induced Social Action. IKG Working Paper, 03, Bielefeld: Institut für interdisziplinäre Konflikt- und Gewaltforschung.
Salentin, K., & Unzicker, K., 2015. Threat Induced Social Action, IKG Working Paper, no.03, Bielefeld: Institut für interdisziplinäre Konflikt- und Gewaltforschung.
K. Salentin and K. Unzicker, Threat Induced Social Action, IKG Working Paper, vol. 03, Bielefeld: Institut für interdisziplinäre Konflikt- und Gewaltforschung, 2015.
Salentin, K., Unzicker, K.: Threat Induced Social Action. IKG Working Paper, 03. Institut für interdisziplinäre Konflikt- und Gewaltforschung, Bielefeld (2015).
Salentin, Kurt, and Unzicker, Kai. Threat Induced Social Action. Bielefeld: Institut für interdisziplinäre Konflikt- und Gewaltforschung, 2015. IKG Working Paper. 03.

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