Lexical alignment in triadic communication

Foltz A, Gaspers J, Thiele K, Stenneken P, Cimiano P (2015)
Frontiers in Psychology 6: 127.

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Foltz A, Gaspers J, Thiele K, Stenneken P, Cimiano P. Lexical alignment in triadic communication. Frontiers in Psychology. 2015;6: 127.
Foltz, A., Gaspers, J., Thiele, K., Stenneken, P., & Cimiano, P. (2015). Lexical alignment in triadic communication. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 127. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00127
Foltz, Anouschka, Gaspers, Judith, Thiele, Kristina, Stenneken, Prisca, and Cimiano, Philipp. 2015. “Lexical alignment in triadic communication”. Frontiers in Psychology 6: 127.
Foltz, A., Gaspers, J., Thiele, K., Stenneken, P., and Cimiano, P. (2015). Lexical alignment in triadic communication. Frontiers in Psychology 6:127.
Foltz, A., et al., 2015. Lexical alignment in triadic communication. Frontiers in Psychology, 6: 127.
A. Foltz, et al., “Lexical alignment in triadic communication”, Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 6, 2015, : 127.
Foltz, A., Gaspers, J., Thiele, K., Stenneken, P., Cimiano, P.: Lexical alignment in triadic communication. Frontiers in Psychology. 6, : 127 (2015).
Foltz, Anouschka, Gaspers, Judith, Thiele, Kristina, Stenneken, Prisca, and Cimiano, Philipp. “Lexical alignment in triadic communication”. Frontiers in Psychology 6 (2015): 127.

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