Foreign direct investment with endogenous technology choice

Dawid H, Zou B (2017)
Pacific Economic Review 22(1: SI): 3-22.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Dawid, HerbertUniBi ; Zou, Benteng
Abstract / Bemerkung
In this paper, we analyze optimal foreign direct investment of a firm operating in a duopolistic market. Foreign direct investment induces technological spillovers to a competitor in the foreign country to intensity of which depends on the absorptive capacity of the foreign firm and the size of the technological gap. We characterize a technology spillover threshold and show that for an intensity of spillovers below this threshold, there is a unique locally asymptotic stable steady state with a positive capital stock in the developing country. Furthermore, we characterize how optimal foreign investment patterns and the investor’s value function depend on the level of technology transferred and characterize the optimal level to be used for the foreign direct investment.
technology spillovers; Foreign direct investment; optimal control; network formation; etace_network_formation
Pacific Economic Review
1: SI
Page URI


Dawid H, Zou B. Foreign direct investment with endogenous technology choice. Pacific Economic Review. 2017;22(1: SI):3-22.
Dawid, H., & Zou, B. (2017). Foreign direct investment with endogenous technology choice. Pacific Economic Review, 22(1: SI), 3-22. doi:10.1111/1468-0106.12202
Dawid, Herbert, and Zou, Benteng. 2017. “Foreign direct investment with endogenous technology choice”. Pacific Economic Review 22 (1: SI): 3-22.
Dawid, H., and Zou, B. (2017). Foreign direct investment with endogenous technology choice. Pacific Economic Review 22, 3-22.
Dawid, H., & Zou, B., 2017. Foreign direct investment with endogenous technology choice. Pacific Economic Review, 22(1: SI), p 3-22.
H. Dawid and B. Zou, “Foreign direct investment with endogenous technology choice”, Pacific Economic Review, vol. 22, 2017, pp. 3-22.
Dawid, H., Zou, B.: Foreign direct investment with endogenous technology choice. Pacific Economic Review. 22, 3-22 (2017).
Dawid, Herbert, and Zou, Benteng. “Foreign direct investment with endogenous technology choice”. Pacific Economic Review 22.1: SI (2017): 3-22.

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Foreign direct investment with endogenous technology choice
Dawid H, Zou B (2014) Working Papers in Economics and Management; 15-2014.
Bielefeld: Bielefeld University, Department of Business Administration and Economics.

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