Circadian Clock Components Regulate Entry and Affect Exit of Seasonal Dormancy as Well as Winter Hardiness in Populus Trees

Ibanez C, Kozarewa I, Johansson M, Ogren E, Rohde A, Eriksson ME (2010)
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 153(4): 1823-1833.

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Ibanez, C.; Kozarewa, I.; Johansson, M.; Ogren, E.; Rohde, A.; Eriksson, M. E.
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Ibanez C, Kozarewa I, Johansson M, Ogren E, Rohde A, Eriksson ME. Circadian Clock Components Regulate Entry and Affect Exit of Seasonal Dormancy as Well as Winter Hardiness in Populus Trees. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY. 2010;153(4):1823-1833.
Ibanez, C., Kozarewa, I., Johansson, M., Ogren, E., Rohde, A., & Eriksson, M. E. (2010). Circadian Clock Components Regulate Entry and Affect Exit of Seasonal Dormancy as Well as Winter Hardiness in Populus Trees. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 153(4), 1823-1833. doi:10.1104/pp.110.158220
Ibanez, C., Kozarewa, I., Johansson, M., Ogren, E., Rohde, A., and Eriksson, M. E. 2010. “Circadian Clock Components Regulate Entry and Affect Exit of Seasonal Dormancy as Well as Winter Hardiness in Populus Trees”. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 153 (4): 1823-1833.
Ibanez, C., Kozarewa, I., Johansson, M., Ogren, E., Rohde, A., and Eriksson, M. E. (2010). Circadian Clock Components Regulate Entry and Affect Exit of Seasonal Dormancy as Well as Winter Hardiness in Populus Trees. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 153, 1823-1833.
Ibanez, C., et al., 2010. Circadian Clock Components Regulate Entry and Affect Exit of Seasonal Dormancy as Well as Winter Hardiness in Populus Trees. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 153(4), p 1823-1833.
C. Ibanez, et al., “Circadian Clock Components Regulate Entry and Affect Exit of Seasonal Dormancy as Well as Winter Hardiness in Populus Trees”, PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, vol. 153, 2010, pp. 1823-1833.
Ibanez, C., Kozarewa, I., Johansson, M., Ogren, E., Rohde, A., Eriksson, M.E.: Circadian Clock Components Regulate Entry and Affect Exit of Seasonal Dormancy as Well as Winter Hardiness in Populus Trees. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY. 153, 1823-1833 (2010).
Ibanez, C., Kozarewa, I., Johansson, M., Ogren, E., Rohde, A., and Eriksson, M. E. “Circadian Clock Components Regulate Entry and Affect Exit of Seasonal Dormancy as Well as Winter Hardiness in Populus Trees”. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 153.4 (2010): 1823-1833.

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