QCD Phase Transition with Chiral Quarks and Physical Quark Masses

Bhattacharya T, Buchoff MI, Christ NH, Ding H, Gupta R, Jung C, Karsch F, Lin Z, Mawhinney RD, McGlynn G, Mukherjee S, et al. (2014)
Physical Review Letters 113(8): 82001.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Bhattacharya, Tanmoy; Buchoff, Michael I.; Christ, Norman H.; Ding, Hengtong; Gupta, Rajan; Jung, Chulwoo; Karsch, FrithjofUniBi; Lin, Zhongjie; Mawhinney, R. D.; McGlynn, Greg; Mukherjee, Swagato; Murphy, David
Abstract / Bemerkung
We report on the first lattice calculation of the QCD phase transition using chiral fermions with physical quark masses. This calculation uses 2 + 1 quark flavors, spatial volumes between (4 fm)(3) and (11 fm)(3) and temperatures between 139 and 196 MeV. Each temperature is calculated at a single lattice spacing corresponding to a temporal Euclidean extent of N-t = 8. The disconnected chiral susceptibility, chi(disc) shows a pronounced peak whose position and height depend sensitively on the quark mass. We find no metastability near the peak and a peak height which does not change when a 5 fm spatial extent is increased to 10 fm. Each result is strong evidence that the QCD "phase transition" is not first order but a continuous crossover for m(pi) = 135 MeV. The peak location determines a pseudocritical temperature T-c = 155(1)(8) MeV, in agreement with earlier staggered fermion results. However, the peak height is 50% greater than that suggested by previous staggered results. Chiral SU(2)(L) x SU(2)(R) symmetry is fully restored above 164 MeV, but anomalous U(1)A symmetry breaking is nonzero above T-c and vanishes as T is increased to 196 MeV.
Physical Review Letters
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Bhattacharya T, Buchoff MI, Christ NH, et al. QCD Phase Transition with Chiral Quarks and Physical Quark Masses. Physical Review Letters. 2014;113(8): 82001.
Bhattacharya, T., Buchoff, M. I., Christ, N. H., Ding, H., Gupta, R., Jung, C., Karsch, F., et al. (2014). QCD Phase Transition with Chiral Quarks and Physical Quark Masses. Physical Review Letters, 113(8), 82001. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.082001
Bhattacharya, Tanmoy, Buchoff, Michael I., Christ, Norman H., Ding, Hengtong, Gupta, Rajan, Jung, Chulwoo, Karsch, Frithjof, et al. 2014. “QCD Phase Transition with Chiral Quarks and Physical Quark Masses”. Physical Review Letters 113 (8): 82001.
Bhattacharya, T., Buchoff, M. I., Christ, N. H., Ding, H., Gupta, R., Jung, C., Karsch, F., Lin, Z., Mawhinney, R. D., McGlynn, G., et al. (2014). QCD Phase Transition with Chiral Quarks and Physical Quark Masses. Physical Review Letters 113:82001.
Bhattacharya, T., et al., 2014. QCD Phase Transition with Chiral Quarks and Physical Quark Masses. Physical Review Letters, 113(8): 82001.
T. Bhattacharya, et al., “QCD Phase Transition with Chiral Quarks and Physical Quark Masses”, Physical Review Letters, vol. 113, 2014, : 82001.
Bhattacharya, T., Buchoff, M.I., Christ, N.H., Ding, H., Gupta, R., Jung, C., Karsch, F., Lin, Z., Mawhinney, R.D., McGlynn, G., Mukherjee, S., Murphy, D., Petreczky, P., Renfrew, D., Schroeder, C., Soltz, R.A., Vranas, P.M., Yin, H.: QCD Phase Transition with Chiral Quarks and Physical Quark Masses. Physical Review Letters. 113, : 82001 (2014).
Bhattacharya, Tanmoy, Buchoff, Michael I., Christ, Norman H., Ding, Hengtong, Gupta, Rajan, Jung, Chulwoo, Karsch, Frithjof, Lin, Zhongjie, Mawhinney, R. D., McGlynn, Greg, Mukherjee, Swagato, Murphy, David, Petreczky, P., Renfrew, Dwight, Schroeder, Chris, Soltz, R. A., Vranas, P. M., and Yin, Hantao. “QCD Phase Transition with Chiral Quarks and Physical Quark Masses”. Physical Review Letters 113.8 (2014): 82001.

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