Alternative nitrogenase and pseudogenes: unique features of the *Paenibacillus riograndensis* nitrogen fixation system

Fernandes G de C, Trarbach LJ, Bolzan de Campos S, Beneduzi A, Passaglia L (2014)
Research in Microbiology 165(7): 571-580.

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Fernandes, Gabriela de C.; Trarbach, Laura J.; Bolzan de Campos, SamantaUniBi; Beneduzi, Anelisi; Passaglia, LucianeUniBi
Research in Microbiology
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Fernandes G de C, Trarbach LJ, Bolzan de Campos S, Beneduzi A, Passaglia L. Alternative nitrogenase and pseudogenes: unique features of the *Paenibacillus riograndensis* nitrogen fixation system. Research in Microbiology. 2014;165(7):571-580.
Fernandes, G. de C., Trarbach, L. J., Bolzan de Campos, S., Beneduzi, A., & Passaglia, L. (2014). Alternative nitrogenase and pseudogenes: unique features of the *Paenibacillus riograndensis* nitrogen fixation system. Research in Microbiology, 165(7), 571-580. doi:10.1016/j.resmic.2014.06.002
Fernandes, Gabriela de C., Trarbach, Laura J., Bolzan de Campos, Samanta, Beneduzi, Anelisi, and Passaglia, Luciane. 2014. “Alternative nitrogenase and pseudogenes: unique features of the *Paenibacillus riograndensis* nitrogen fixation system”. Research in Microbiology 165 (7): 571-580.
Fernandes, G. de C., Trarbach, L. J., Bolzan de Campos, S., Beneduzi, A., and Passaglia, L. (2014). Alternative nitrogenase and pseudogenes: unique features of the *Paenibacillus riograndensis* nitrogen fixation system. Research in Microbiology 165, 571-580.
Fernandes, G. de C., et al., 2014. Alternative nitrogenase and pseudogenes: unique features of the *Paenibacillus riograndensis* nitrogen fixation system. Research in Microbiology, 165(7), p 571-580.
G. de C. Fernandes, et al., “Alternative nitrogenase and pseudogenes: unique features of the *Paenibacillus riograndensis* nitrogen fixation system”, Research in Microbiology, vol. 165, 2014, pp. 571-580.
Fernandes, G. de C., Trarbach, L.J., Bolzan de Campos, S., Beneduzi, A., Passaglia, L.: Alternative nitrogenase and pseudogenes: unique features of the *Paenibacillus riograndensis* nitrogen fixation system. Research in Microbiology. 165, 571-580 (2014).
Fernandes, Gabriela de C., Trarbach, Laura J., Bolzan de Campos, Samanta, Beneduzi, Anelisi, and Passaglia, Luciane. “Alternative nitrogenase and pseudogenes: unique features of the *Paenibacillus riograndensis* nitrogen fixation system”. Research in Microbiology 165.7 (2014): 571-580.

6 Zitationen in Europe PMC

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