Computational Aspects of Softness Perception

Di Luca M, Ernst MO (2014)
In: Multisensory Softness. Perceived Compliance from Multiple Sources of Information. Di Luca M (Ed); Touch and Haptic Systems, 11. London: Springer: 85-106.

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Di Luca, Massimiliano; Ernst, Marc O.UniBi
Di Luca, Massimiliano
Multisensory Softness. Perceived Compliance from Multiple Sources of Information
Touch and Haptic Systems
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Di Luca M, Ernst MO. Computational Aspects of Softness Perception. In: Di Luca M, ed. Multisensory Softness. Perceived Compliance from Multiple Sources of Information. Touch and Haptic Systems. Vol 11. London: Springer; 2014: 85-106.
Di Luca, M., & Ernst, M. O. (2014). Computational Aspects of Softness Perception. In M. Di Luca (Ed.), Touch and Haptic Systems: Vol. 11. Multisensory Softness. Perceived Compliance from Multiple Sources of Information (pp. 85-106). London: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-1-4471-6533-0_5
Di Luca, Massimiliano, and Ernst, Marc O. 2014. “Computational Aspects of Softness Perception”. In Multisensory Softness. Perceived Compliance from Multiple Sources of Information, ed. Massimiliano Di Luca, 11:85-106. Touch and Haptic Systems. London: Springer.
Di Luca, M., and Ernst, M. O. (2014). “Computational Aspects of Softness Perception” in Multisensory Softness. Perceived Compliance from Multiple Sources of Information, Di Luca, M. ed. Touch and Haptic Systems, vol. 11, (London: Springer), 85-106.
Di Luca, M., & Ernst, M.O., 2014. Computational Aspects of Softness Perception. In M. Di Luca, ed. Multisensory Softness. Perceived Compliance from Multiple Sources of Information. Touch and Haptic Systems. no.11 London: Springer, pp. 85-106.
M. Di Luca and M.O. Ernst, “Computational Aspects of Softness Perception”, Multisensory Softness. Perceived Compliance from Multiple Sources of Information, M. Di Luca, ed., Touch and Haptic Systems, vol. 11, London: Springer, 2014, pp.85-106.
Di Luca, M., Ernst, M.O.: Computational Aspects of Softness Perception. In: Di Luca, M. (ed.) Multisensory Softness. Perceived Compliance from Multiple Sources of Information. Touch and Haptic Systems. 11, p. 85-106. Springer, London (2014).
Di Luca, Massimiliano, and Ernst, Marc O. “Computational Aspects of Softness Perception”. Multisensory Softness. Perceived Compliance from Multiple Sources of Information. Ed. Massimiliano Di Luca. London: Springer, 2014.Vol. 11. Touch and Haptic Systems. 85-106.

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