Reducing aggressive intergroup action tendencies: Effects of intergroup contact via perceived intergroup threat

Schmid K, Hewstone M, Küpper B, Zick A, Tausch N (2014)
Aggressive Behavior 40(3): 250-262.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Schmid, Katharina; Hewstone, Miles; Küpper, BeateUniBi; Zick, AndreasUniBi; Tausch, Nicole
Abstract / Bemerkung
Two studies tested the prediction that more positive intergroup contact would be associated with reduced aggressive intergroup action tendencies, an effect predicted to occur indirectly via reduced intergroup threat perceptions, and over and above well-established effects of contact on intergroup attitudes. Study 1, using data based on a cross-section of the general population of eight European countries (France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, and the UK; N = 7,042), examined this hypothesis in the context of aggressive action tendencies towards immigrants. Study 2, using longitudinal data obtained from a general population sample in Northern Ireland, considered effects on aggressive action tendencies between ethno-religious groups in conflict. Both studies confirmed our predictions, showing that while perceived threat was associated with greater intergroup aggressive tendencies, positive intergroup contact was indirectly associated with reduced aggressive action tendencies, via reduced intergroup threat. Findings are discussed in terms of the theoretical contributions of this research for understanding the relationship between intergroup contact and intergroup aggression. Aggr. Behav. 40:250-262, 2014. (c) 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
intergroup conflict; perceived intergroup threat; longitudinal data; aggressive action tendencies; intergroup contact
Aggressive Behavior
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Schmid K, Hewstone M, Küpper B, Zick A, Tausch N. Reducing aggressive intergroup action tendencies: Effects of intergroup contact via perceived intergroup threat. Aggressive Behavior. 2014;40(3):250-262.
Schmid, K., Hewstone, M., Küpper, B., Zick, A., & Tausch, N. (2014). Reducing aggressive intergroup action tendencies: Effects of intergroup contact via perceived intergroup threat. Aggressive Behavior, 40(3), 250-262. doi:10.1002/ab.21516
Schmid, Katharina, Hewstone, Miles, Küpper, Beate, Zick, Andreas, and Tausch, Nicole. 2014. “Reducing aggressive intergroup action tendencies: Effects of intergroup contact via perceived intergroup threat”. Aggressive Behavior 40 (3): 250-262.
Schmid, K., Hewstone, M., Küpper, B., Zick, A., and Tausch, N. (2014). Reducing aggressive intergroup action tendencies: Effects of intergroup contact via perceived intergroup threat. Aggressive Behavior 40, 250-262.
Schmid, K., et al., 2014. Reducing aggressive intergroup action tendencies: Effects of intergroup contact via perceived intergroup threat. Aggressive Behavior, 40(3), p 250-262.
K. Schmid, et al., “Reducing aggressive intergroup action tendencies: Effects of intergroup contact via perceived intergroup threat”, Aggressive Behavior, vol. 40, 2014, pp. 250-262.
Schmid, K., Hewstone, M., Küpper, B., Zick, A., Tausch, N.: Reducing aggressive intergroup action tendencies: Effects of intergroup contact via perceived intergroup threat. Aggressive Behavior. 40, 250-262 (2014).
Schmid, Katharina, Hewstone, Miles, Küpper, Beate, Zick, Andreas, and Tausch, Nicole. “Reducing aggressive intergroup action tendencies: Effects of intergroup contact via perceived intergroup threat”. Aggressive Behavior 40.3 (2014): 250-262.

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Daten bereitgestellt von Europe PubMed Central.

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