Using the readiness potential of button-press and verbal response within spoken language processing
Jansen S, Wesselmeier H, de Ruiter J, Müller HM (2014)
Journal of Neuroscience Methods 232: 24-29.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch

Journal of Neuroscience Methods
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Jansen S, Wesselmeier H, de Ruiter J, Müller HM. Using the readiness potential of button-press and verbal response within spoken language processing. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 2014;232:24-29.
Jansen, S., Wesselmeier, H., de Ruiter, J., & Müller, H. M. (2014). Using the readiness potential of button-press and verbal response within spoken language processing. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 232, 24-29.
Jansen, Stefanie, Wesselmeier, Hendrik, de Ruiter, Jan, and Müller, Horst M. 2014. “Using the readiness potential of button-press and verbal response within spoken language processing”. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 232: 24-29.
Jansen, S., Wesselmeier, H., de Ruiter, J., and Müller, H. M. (2014). Using the readiness potential of button-press and verbal response within spoken language processing. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 232, 24-29.
Jansen, S., et al., 2014. Using the readiness potential of button-press and verbal response within spoken language processing. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 232, p 24-29.
S. Jansen, et al., “Using the readiness potential of button-press and verbal response within spoken language processing”, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, vol. 232, 2014, pp. 24-29.
Jansen, S., Wesselmeier, H., de Ruiter, J., Müller, H.M.: Using the readiness potential of button-press and verbal response within spoken language processing. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 232, 24-29 (2014).
Jansen, Stefanie, Wesselmeier, Hendrik, de Ruiter, Jan, and Müller, Horst M. “Using the readiness potential of button-press and verbal response within spoken language processing”. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 232 (2014): 24-29.
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