Perspectives and standards for good practice in data collection on interpersonal violence at European Level

Martinez M, Schröttle M, Condon S, Springer-Kremser M, May-Chahal C, Penhale B, Lenz H-J, Brzank P, Jaspard M, Piispa M, Reingardiene J, et al. (2007) CAHRV - Gendering Human Rights Voilations.

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Martinez, Manuela; Schröttle, MonikaUniBi; Condon, Stephanie; Springer-Kremser, Marianne; May-Chahal, Corinne; Penhale, Bridget; Lenz, Hans-Joachim; Brzank, Petra; Jaspard, Maryse; Piispa, Minna; Reingardiene, Jolanta; Hagemann-White, Carol
CAHRV - Gendering Human Rights Voilations
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Martinez M, Schröttle M, Condon S, et al. Perspectives and standards for good practice in data collection on interpersonal violence at European Level. CAHRV - Gendering Human Rights Voilations.; 2007.
Martinez, M., Schröttle, M., Condon, S., Springer-Kremser, M., May-Chahal, C., Penhale, B., Lenz, H. - J., et al. (2007). Perspectives and standards for good practice in data collection on interpersonal violence at European Level (CAHRV - Gendering Human Rights Voilations).
Martinez, Manuela, Schröttle, Monika, Condon, Stephanie, Springer-Kremser, Marianne, May-Chahal, Corinne, Penhale, Bridget, Lenz, Hans-Joachim, et al. 2007. Perspectives and standards for good practice in data collection on interpersonal violence at European Level. CAHRV - Gendering Human Rights Voilations.
Martinez, M., Schröttle, M., Condon, S., Springer-Kremser, M., May-Chahal, C., Penhale, B., Lenz, H. - J., Brzank, P., Jaspard, M., Piispa, M., et al. (2007). Perspectives and standards for good practice in data collection on interpersonal violence at European Level. CAHRV - Gendering Human Rights Voilations,.
Martinez, M., et al., 2007. Perspectives and standards for good practice in data collection on interpersonal violence at European Level, CAHRV - Gendering Human Rights Voilations,
M. Martinez, et al., Perspectives and standards for good practice in data collection on interpersonal violence at European Level, CAHRV - Gendering Human Rights Voilations, 2007.
Martinez, M., Schröttle, M., Condon, S., Springer-Kremser, M., May-Chahal, C., Penhale, B., Lenz, H.-J., Brzank, P., Jaspard, M., Piispa, M., Reingardiene, J., Hagemann-White, C.: Perspectives and standards for good practice in data collection on interpersonal violence at European Level. CAHRV - Gendering Human Rights Voilations. (2007).
Martinez, Manuela, Schröttle, Monika, Condon, Stephanie, Springer-Kremser, Marianne, May-Chahal, Corinne, Penhale, Bridget, Lenz, Hans-Joachim, Brzank, Petra, Jaspard, Maryse, Piispa, Minna, Reingardiene, Jolanta, and Hagemann-White, Carol. Perspectives and standards for good practice in data collection on interpersonal violence at European Level. 2007. CAHRV - Gendering Human Rights Voilations.

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