Revolution of the Dispossessed: School Shooters and their Devotees on the Web.

Böckler N, Seeger T (2013)
In: School Shootings: International Research, Case Studies and Concepts for Prevention. Böckler N, Seeger T, Sitzer P, Heitmeyer W (Eds); New York: Springer: 309-339.

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Böckler, NilsUniBi; Seeger, Thorsten
Böckler, Nils; Seeger, Thorsten; Sitzer, Peter; Heitmeyer, Wilhelm
School Shootings: International Research, Case Studies and Concepts for Prevention
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Böckler N, Seeger T. Revolution of the Dispossessed: School Shooters and their Devotees on the Web. In: Böckler N, Seeger T, Sitzer P, Heitmeyer W, eds. School Shootings: International Research, Case Studies and Concepts for Prevention. New York: Springer; 2013: 309-339.
Böckler, N., & Seeger, T. (2013). Revolution of the Dispossessed: School Shooters and their Devotees on the Web. In N. Böckler, T. Seeger, P. Sitzer, & W. Heitmeyer (Eds.), School Shootings: International Research, Case Studies and Concepts for Prevention (pp. 309-339). New York: Springer.
Böckler, Nils, and Seeger, Thorsten. 2013. “Revolution of the Dispossessed: School Shooters and their Devotees on the Web.”. In School Shootings: International Research, Case Studies and Concepts for Prevention, ed. Nils Böckler, Thorsten Seeger, Peter Sitzer, and Wilhelm Heitmeyer, 309-339. New York: Springer.
Böckler, N., and Seeger, T. (2013). “Revolution of the Dispossessed: School Shooters and their Devotees on the Web.” in School Shootings: International Research, Case Studies and Concepts for Prevention, Böckler, N., Seeger, T., Sitzer, P., and Heitmeyer, W. eds. (New York: Springer), 309-339.
Böckler, N., & Seeger, T., 2013. Revolution of the Dispossessed: School Shooters and their Devotees on the Web. In N. Böckler, et al., eds. School Shootings: International Research, Case Studies and Concepts for Prevention. New York: Springer, pp. 309-339.
N. Böckler and T. Seeger, “Revolution of the Dispossessed: School Shooters and their Devotees on the Web.”, School Shootings: International Research, Case Studies and Concepts for Prevention, N. Böckler, et al., eds., New York: Springer, 2013, pp.309-339.
Böckler, N., Seeger, T.: Revolution of the Dispossessed: School Shooters and their Devotees on the Web. In: Böckler, N., Seeger, T., Sitzer, P., and Heitmeyer, W. (eds.) School Shootings: International Research, Case Studies and Concepts for Prevention. p. 309-339. Springer, New York (2013).
Böckler, Nils, and Seeger, Thorsten. “Revolution of the Dispossessed: School Shooters and their Devotees on the Web.”. School Shootings: International Research, Case Studies and Concepts for Prevention. Ed. Nils Böckler, Thorsten Seeger, Peter Sitzer, and Wilhelm Heitmeyer. New York: Springer, 2013. 309-339.

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