Rehabilitating patients with left spatial neglect by prism exposure during a visuomotor activity

Fortis P, Maravita A, Gallucci M, Ronchi R, Grassi E, Senna I, Olgiati E, Perucca L, Banco E, Posteraro L, Tesio L, et al. (2010)
Neuropsychology 24(6): 681-697.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Fortis, Paola; Maravita, Angelo; Gallucci, Marcello; Ronchi, Roberta; Grassi, Elena; Senna, IreneUniBi; Olgiati, Elena; Perucca, Laura; Banco, Elisabetta; Posteraro, Lucio; Tesio, Luigi; Vallar, Giuseppe
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Fortis P, Maravita A, Gallucci M, et al. Rehabilitating patients with left spatial neglect by prism exposure during a visuomotor activity. Neuropsychology. 2010;24(6):681-697.
Fortis, P., Maravita, A., Gallucci, M., Ronchi, R., Grassi, E., Senna, I., Olgiati, E., et al. (2010). Rehabilitating patients with left spatial neglect by prism exposure during a visuomotor activity. Neuropsychology, 24(6), 681-697. doi:10.1037/a0019476
Fortis, Paola, Maravita, Angelo, Gallucci, Marcello, Ronchi, Roberta, Grassi, Elena, Senna, Irene, Olgiati, Elena, et al. 2010. “Rehabilitating patients with left spatial neglect by prism exposure during a visuomotor activity”. Neuropsychology 24 (6): 681-697.
Fortis, P., Maravita, A., Gallucci, M., Ronchi, R., Grassi, E., Senna, I., Olgiati, E., Perucca, L., Banco, E., Posteraro, L., et al. (2010). Rehabilitating patients with left spatial neglect by prism exposure during a visuomotor activity. Neuropsychology 24, 681-697.
Fortis, P., et al., 2010. Rehabilitating patients with left spatial neglect by prism exposure during a visuomotor activity. Neuropsychology, 24(6), p 681-697.
P. Fortis, et al., “Rehabilitating patients with left spatial neglect by prism exposure during a visuomotor activity”, Neuropsychology, vol. 24, 2010, pp. 681-697.
Fortis, P., Maravita, A., Gallucci, M., Ronchi, R., Grassi, E., Senna, I., Olgiati, E., Perucca, L., Banco, E., Posteraro, L., Tesio, L., Vallar, G.: Rehabilitating patients with left spatial neglect by prism exposure during a visuomotor activity. Neuropsychology. 24, 681-697 (2010).
Fortis, Paola, Maravita, Angelo, Gallucci, Marcello, Ronchi, Roberta, Grassi, Elena, Senna, Irene, Olgiati, Elena, Perucca, Laura, Banco, Elisabetta, Posteraro, Lucio, Tesio, Luigi, and Vallar, Giuseppe. “Rehabilitating patients with left spatial neglect by prism exposure during a visuomotor activity”. Neuropsychology 24.6 (2010): 681-697.

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