Implications of the measurement of pulsars with two solar masses for quark matter in compact stars and heavy-ion collisions: A Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model case study
Klaehn T, Lastowiecki R, Blaschke D (2013)
Physical Review D 88(8): 085001.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Klaehn, T.;
Lastowiecki, R.;
Blaschke, DavidUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
The precise measurements of the high masses of the pulsars PSR J1614 - 2230 (M-1614 = 1.97 +/- 0.04M(circle dot)) and PSR J0348 - 0432 (M-0348 = 2.01 +/- 0.04M(circle dot)) provide an important constraint for the equation of state of cold, dense matter and are suited to give interesting insights regarding the nature and existence of the possible phase transition to deconfined quark matter in the cores of neutron stars. We analyze the stability and composition of compact star sequences for a class of hybrid nuclear-quark-matter equations of state. The quark matter phase is described in the framework of a standard color superconducting 3-flavor Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model, and the hadronic phase is given by the Dirac-Brueckner-Hartree-Fock equation of state for the Bonn-A potential. The phase transition is obtained by a Maxwell construction. Within this model setup, we aim to constrain otherwise not strictly fixed parameters of the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model, namely, the coupling strengths in the vector meson and diquark interaction channels. We perform this investigation for two different parametrizations characterized by a different scalar coupling constant. The analysis of flow data obtained in heavy-ion collisions resulted in a further constraint that we account for in our discussion. Massive hybrid stars with extended quark matter cores can be obtained in accordance with all of the considered constraints.
Physical Review D
Page URI
Klaehn T, Lastowiecki R, Blaschke D. Implications of the measurement of pulsars with two solar masses for quark matter in compact stars and heavy-ion collisions: A Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model case study. Physical Review D. 2013;88(8): 085001.
Klaehn, T., Lastowiecki, R., & Blaschke, D. (2013). Implications of the measurement of pulsars with two solar masses for quark matter in compact stars and heavy-ion collisions: A Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model case study. Physical Review D, 88(8), 085001. doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.88.085001
Klaehn, T., Lastowiecki, R., and Blaschke, David. 2013. “Implications of the measurement of pulsars with two solar masses for quark matter in compact stars and heavy-ion collisions: A Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model case study”. Physical Review D 88 (8): 085001.
Klaehn, T., Lastowiecki, R., and Blaschke, D. (2013). Implications of the measurement of pulsars with two solar masses for quark matter in compact stars and heavy-ion collisions: A Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model case study. Physical Review D 88:085001.
Klaehn, T., Lastowiecki, R., & Blaschke, D., 2013. Implications of the measurement of pulsars with two solar masses for quark matter in compact stars and heavy-ion collisions: A Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model case study. Physical Review D, 88(8): 085001.
T. Klaehn, R. Lastowiecki, and D. Blaschke, “Implications of the measurement of pulsars with two solar masses for quark matter in compact stars and heavy-ion collisions: A Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model case study”, Physical Review D, vol. 88, 2013, : 085001.
Klaehn, T., Lastowiecki, R., Blaschke, D.: Implications of the measurement of pulsars with two solar masses for quark matter in compact stars and heavy-ion collisions: A Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model case study. Physical Review D. 88, : 085001 (2013).
Klaehn, T., Lastowiecki, R., and Blaschke, David. “Implications of the measurement of pulsars with two solar masses for quark matter in compact stars and heavy-ion collisions: A Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model case study”. Physical Review D 88.8 (2013): 085001.
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