Heritability of life span is largely sex limited in Drosophila
Lehtovaara A, Schielzeth H, Flis I, Friberg U (2013)
The American Naturalist 182(5): 653-665.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Lehtovaara, Anne;
Schielzeth, HolgerUniBi
Flis, Ilona;
Friberg, Urban

Abstract / Bemerkung
Males and females differ with respect to life span and
rate of aging in most animal species. Such sexual dimorphism can be associated with a complex genetic architecture, where only part of the genetic variation is shared between the sexes. However, the extent to which this is true for life span and aging is not known, because studies of life span have given contradictory results and aging has not been studied from this perspective. Here we investigate the additive genetic architecture of life span and aging in Drosophila melanogaster. We find substantial amounts of additive genetic variation for both traits, with more than three-quarters of this variation available for sex-specific evolutionary change. This result shows that
the sexes have a profoundly different additive genetic basis for these traits, which has several implications. First, it translates into an, on average, three-times-higher heritability of life span within, compared
to between, the sexes. Second, it implies that the sexes are relatively free to evolve with respect to these traits. And third, as life span and aging are traits that integrate over all genetic factors that contribute to mortal disease, it also implies that the genetics of heritable disease
differs vastly between the sexes.
Drosophila melanogaster;
additive genetic variation;
life span;
sex-specific variation;
The American Naturalist
Page URI
Lehtovaara A, Schielzeth H, Flis I, Friberg U. Heritability of life span is largely sex limited in Drosophila. The American Naturalist. 2013;182(5):653-665.
Lehtovaara, A., Schielzeth, H., Flis, I., & Friberg, U. (2013). Heritability of life span is largely sex limited in Drosophila. The American Naturalist, 182(5), 653-665. doi:10.1086/673296
Lehtovaara, Anne, Schielzeth, Holger, Flis, Ilona, and Friberg, Urban. 2013. “Heritability of life span is largely sex limited in Drosophila”. The American Naturalist 182 (5): 653-665.
Lehtovaara, A., Schielzeth, H., Flis, I., and Friberg, U. (2013). Heritability of life span is largely sex limited in Drosophila. The American Naturalist 182, 653-665.
Lehtovaara, A., et al., 2013. Heritability of life span is largely sex limited in Drosophila. The American Naturalist, 182(5), p 653-665.
A. Lehtovaara, et al., “Heritability of life span is largely sex limited in Drosophila”, The American Naturalist, vol. 182, 2013, pp. 653-665.
Lehtovaara, A., Schielzeth, H., Flis, I., Friberg, U.: Heritability of life span is largely sex limited in Drosophila. The American Naturalist. 182, 653-665 (2013).
Lehtovaara, Anne, Schielzeth, Holger, Flis, Ilona, and Friberg, Urban. “Heritability of life span is largely sex limited in Drosophila”. The American Naturalist 182.5 (2013): 653-665.
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