Internucleosomal DNA fragmentation in cultured cells under conditions reported to induce apoptosis may be caused by mycoplasma endonucleases.

Paddenberg P, Wulf S, Weber A, Heimann P, Beck LA, Mannherz HG (1996)
Eur J Cell Biol 71(1): 105-119.

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Paddenberg, P; Wulf, S; Weber, A; Heimann, PeterUniBi; Beck, LA; Mannherz, HG
Eur J Cell Biol
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Paddenberg P, Wulf S, Weber A, Heimann P, Beck LA, Mannherz HG. Internucleosomal DNA fragmentation in cultured cells under conditions reported to induce apoptosis may be caused by mycoplasma endonucleases. Eur J Cell Biol. 1996;71(1):105-119.
Paddenberg, P., Wulf, S., Weber, A., Heimann, P., Beck, L. A., & Mannherz, H. G. (1996). Internucleosomal DNA fragmentation in cultured cells under conditions reported to induce apoptosis may be caused by mycoplasma endonucleases. Eur J Cell Biol, 71(1), 105-119.
Paddenberg, P, Wulf, S, Weber, A, Heimann, Peter, Beck, LA, and Mannherz, HG. 1996. “Internucleosomal DNA fragmentation in cultured cells under conditions reported to induce apoptosis may be caused by mycoplasma endonucleases.”. Eur J Cell Biol 71 (1): 105-119.
Paddenberg, P., Wulf, S., Weber, A., Heimann, P., Beck, L. A., and Mannherz, H. G. (1996). Internucleosomal DNA fragmentation in cultured cells under conditions reported to induce apoptosis may be caused by mycoplasma endonucleases. Eur J Cell Biol 71, 105-119.
Paddenberg, P., et al., 1996. Internucleosomal DNA fragmentation in cultured cells under conditions reported to induce apoptosis may be caused by mycoplasma endonucleases. Eur J Cell Biol, 71(1), p 105-119.
P. Paddenberg, et al., “Internucleosomal DNA fragmentation in cultured cells under conditions reported to induce apoptosis may be caused by mycoplasma endonucleases.”, Eur J Cell Biol, vol. 71, 1996, pp. 105-119.
Paddenberg, P., Wulf, S., Weber, A., Heimann, P., Beck, L.A., Mannherz, H.G.: Internucleosomal DNA fragmentation in cultured cells under conditions reported to induce apoptosis may be caused by mycoplasma endonucleases. Eur J Cell Biol. 71, 105-119 (1996).
Paddenberg, P, Wulf, S, Weber, A, Heimann, Peter, Beck, LA, and Mannherz, HG. “Internucleosomal DNA fragmentation in cultured cells under conditions reported to induce apoptosis may be caused by mycoplasma endonucleases.”. Eur J Cell Biol 71.1 (1996): 105-119.

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