The effect of a green leaf volatile on host plant finding by larvae of a herbivorous insect

Müller C, Hilker M (2000)
Naturwissenschaften 87(5): 216-219.

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Müller C, Hilker M. The effect of a green leaf volatile on host plant finding by larvae of a herbivorous insect. Naturwissenschaften. 2000;87(5):216-219.
Müller, C., & Hilker, M. (2000). The effect of a green leaf volatile on host plant finding by larvae of a herbivorous insect. Naturwissenschaften, 87(5), 216-219. doi:10.1007/s001140050706
Müller, Caroline, and Hilker, M. 2000. “The effect of a green leaf volatile on host plant finding by larvae of a herbivorous insect”. Naturwissenschaften 87 (5): 216-219.
Müller, C., and Hilker, M. (2000). The effect of a green leaf volatile on host plant finding by larvae of a herbivorous insect. Naturwissenschaften 87, 216-219.
Müller, C., & Hilker, M., 2000. The effect of a green leaf volatile on host plant finding by larvae of a herbivorous insect. Naturwissenschaften, 87(5), p 216-219.
C. Müller and M. Hilker, “The effect of a green leaf volatile on host plant finding by larvae of a herbivorous insect”, Naturwissenschaften, vol. 87, 2000, pp. 216-219.
Müller, C., Hilker, M.: The effect of a green leaf volatile on host plant finding by larvae of a herbivorous insect. Naturwissenschaften. 87, 216-219 (2000).
Müller, Caroline, and Hilker, M. “The effect of a green leaf volatile on host plant finding by larvae of a herbivorous insect”. Naturwissenschaften 87.5 (2000): 216-219.

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