Flame structure and kinetic studies of carbon dioxide-diluted dimethyl ether flames at reduced and elevated pressures

Liu D, Santner J, Togbé C, Felsmann D, Koppmann J, Lackner A, Yang X, Shen X, Ju Y, Kohse-Höinghaus K (2013)
COMBUSTION AND FLAME 160(12): 2645-2668.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Liu, Dong; Santner, Jeffrey; Togbé, Casimir; Felsmann, DanielUniBi; Koppmann, JuliaUniBi; Lackner, AlexanderUniBi; Yang, X.; Shen, X.; Ju, Yiguang; Kohse-Höinghaus, KatharinaUniBi
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Liu D, Santner J, Togbé C, et al. Flame structure and kinetic studies of carbon dioxide-diluted dimethyl ether flames at reduced and elevated pressures. COMBUSTION AND FLAME. 2013;160(12):2645-2668.
Liu, D., Santner, J., Togbé, C., Felsmann, D., Koppmann, J., Lackner, A., Yang, X., et al. (2013). Flame structure and kinetic studies of carbon dioxide-diluted dimethyl ether flames at reduced and elevated pressures. COMBUSTION AND FLAME, 160(12), 2645-2668. doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2013.06.032
Liu, Dong, Santner, Jeffrey, Togbé, Casimir, Felsmann, Daniel, Koppmann, Julia, Lackner, Alexander, Yang, X., Shen, X., Ju, Yiguang, and Kohse-Höinghaus, Katharina. 2013. “Flame structure and kinetic studies of carbon dioxide-diluted dimethyl ether flames at reduced and elevated pressures”. COMBUSTION AND FLAME 160 (12): 2645-2668.
Liu, D., Santner, J., Togbé, C., Felsmann, D., Koppmann, J., Lackner, A., Yang, X., Shen, X., Ju, Y., and Kohse-Höinghaus, K. (2013). Flame structure and kinetic studies of carbon dioxide-diluted dimethyl ether flames at reduced and elevated pressures. COMBUSTION AND FLAME 160, 2645-2668.
Liu, D., et al., 2013. Flame structure and kinetic studies of carbon dioxide-diluted dimethyl ether flames at reduced and elevated pressures. COMBUSTION AND FLAME, 160(12), p 2645-2668.
D. Liu, et al., “Flame structure and kinetic studies of carbon dioxide-diluted dimethyl ether flames at reduced and elevated pressures”, COMBUSTION AND FLAME, vol. 160, 2013, pp. 2645-2668.
Liu, D., Santner, J., Togbé, C., Felsmann, D., Koppmann, J., Lackner, A., Yang, X., Shen, X., Ju, Y., Kohse-Höinghaus, K.: Flame structure and kinetic studies of carbon dioxide-diluted dimethyl ether flames at reduced and elevated pressures. COMBUSTION AND FLAME. 160, 2645-2668 (2013).
Liu, Dong, Santner, Jeffrey, Togbé, Casimir, Felsmann, Daniel, Koppmann, Julia, Lackner, Alexander, Yang, X., Shen, X., Ju, Yiguang, and Kohse-Höinghaus, Katharina. “Flame structure and kinetic studies of carbon dioxide-diluted dimethyl ether flames at reduced and elevated pressures”. COMBUSTION AND FLAME 160.12 (2013): 2645-2668.

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