Opposite translocation of long and short oligomers through a nanopore

Getfert S, Töws T, Reimann P (2013)
Physical Review E 87(6): 62710.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
We consider elongated cylindrical particles, modeling, e. g., DNA fragments or nanorods, while they translocate under the action of an externally applied voltage through a solid state nanopore. Particular emphasis is put on the concomitant potential energy landscape encountered by the particle on its passage through the pore due to the complex interplay of various electrohydrodynamic effects beyond the realm of small Debye lengths. We find that the net potential energy difference across the membrane may be of opposite sign for short and long particles of equal diameters and charge densities (e. g., oligomers). Thermal noise thus leads to biased diffusion through the pore in opposite directions. By means of an additional membrane gate electrode it is even possible to control the specific particle length at which this transport inversion occurs.
Physical Review E
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Getfert S, Töws T, Reimann P. Opposite translocation of long and short oligomers through a nanopore. Physical Review E. 2013;87(6): 62710.
Getfert, S., Töws, T., & Reimann, P. (2013). Opposite translocation of long and short oligomers through a nanopore. Physical Review E, 87(6), 62710. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.87.062710
Getfert, Sebastian, Töws, Thomas, and Reimann, Peter. 2013. “Opposite translocation of long and short oligomers through a nanopore”. Physical Review E 87 (6): 62710.
Getfert, S., Töws, T., and Reimann, P. (2013). Opposite translocation of long and short oligomers through a nanopore. Physical Review E 87:62710.
Getfert, S., Töws, T., & Reimann, P., 2013. Opposite translocation of long and short oligomers through a nanopore. Physical Review E, 87(6): 62710.
S. Getfert, T. Töws, and P. Reimann, “Opposite translocation of long and short oligomers through a nanopore”, Physical Review E, vol. 87, 2013, : 62710.
Getfert, S., Töws, T., Reimann, P.: Opposite translocation of long and short oligomers through a nanopore. Physical Review E. 87, : 62710 (2013).
Getfert, Sebastian, Töws, Thomas, and Reimann, Peter. “Opposite translocation of long and short oligomers through a nanopore”. Physical Review E 87.6 (2013): 62710.

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Polymer translocation: the first two decades and the recent diversification.
Palyulin VV, Ala-Nissila T, Metzler R., Soft Matter 10(45), 2014
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