Perspectives on a Continuum of Care for Patients with HIV-Symptoms

Moers M, Schaeffer D (1992)
In: Health Systems - The Challenge of Change. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on System Science in Health Care. Systems H (Ed); Prag: Omnipress: 1546-1549.

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Moers, Martin; Schaeffer, Doris
Systems, Health
Health Systems - The Challenge of Change. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on System Science in Health Care
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Moers M, Schaeffer D. Perspectives on a Continuum of Care for Patients with HIV-Symptoms. In: Systems H, ed. Health Systems - The Challenge of Change. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on System Science in Health Care. Prag: Omnipress; 1992: 1546-1549.
Moers, M., & Schaeffer, D. (1992). Perspectives on a Continuum of Care for Patients with HIV-Symptoms. In H. Systems (Ed.), Health Systems - The Challenge of Change. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on System Science in Health Care (pp. 1546-1549). Prag: Omnipress.
Moers, Martin, and Schaeffer, Doris. 1992. “Perspectives on a Continuum of Care for Patients with HIV-Symptoms”. In Health Systems - The Challenge of Change. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on System Science in Health Care, ed. Health Systems, 1546-1549. Prag: Omnipress.
Moers, M., and Schaeffer, D. (1992). “Perspectives on a Continuum of Care for Patients with HIV-Symptoms” in Health Systems - The Challenge of Change. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on System Science in Health Care, Systems, H. ed. (Prag: Omnipress), 1546-1549.
Moers, M., & Schaeffer, D., 1992. Perspectives on a Continuum of Care for Patients with HIV-Symptoms. In H. Systems, ed. Health Systems - The Challenge of Change. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on System Science in Health Care. Prag: Omnipress, pp. 1546-1549.
M. Moers and D. Schaeffer, “Perspectives on a Continuum of Care for Patients with HIV-Symptoms”, Health Systems - The Challenge of Change. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on System Science in Health Care, H. Systems, ed., Prag: Omnipress, 1992, pp.1546-1549.
Moers, M., Schaeffer, D.: Perspectives on a Continuum of Care for Patients with HIV-Symptoms. In: Systems, H. (ed.) Health Systems - The Challenge of Change. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on System Science in Health Care. p. 1546-1549. Omnipress, Prag (1992).
Moers, Martin, and Schaeffer, Doris. “Perspectives on a Continuum of Care for Patients with HIV-Symptoms”. Health Systems - The Challenge of Change. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on System Science in Health Care. Ed. Health Systems. Prag: Omnipress, 1992. 1546-1549.

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