Transient oscillation of shape and membrane conductivity changes by field pulse-induced electroporation in nano-sized phospholipid vesicles

Dimitrov V, Kakorin S, Neumann E (2013)
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15(17): 6303-6322.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
The results of electrooptical and conductometrical measurements on unilamellar lipid vesicles (of mean radius a = 90 nm), filled with 0.2 M NaCl solution, suspended in 0.33 M sucrose solution of 0.2 mM NaCl, and exposed to a stepwise decaying electric field (time constant tau(E) = 154 mu s) in the range 10 <= E-0 (kV cm(-1)) <= 90, are analyzed in terms of cyclic changes in vesicle shape and vesicle membrane conductivity. The two peaks in the dichroitic turbidity relaxations reflect two cycles of rapid membrane electroporation and slower resealing of long-lived electropores. The field-induced changes reflect structural transitions between closed (C) and porated (P) membrane states, qualified by pores of type P-1 and of type P-2, respectively. The transient change in the membrane conductivity and the transient shape oscillation are based on changes in the pore density of the (larger) P-2-pores along a hysteresis cycle. The P-2-pore formation leads to transient net ion flows across the P-2-pores and to transient changes in the membrane field. The kinetic data are numerically processed in terms of coupled structural relaxation modes. Using the torus-hole pore model, the mean inner pore radii are estimated to be r(1) = 0.38 (+/- 0.05) nm and r(2) = 1.7 (+/- 0.1) nm, respectively. The observation of a transient oscillation of membrane electroporation and of shape changes in a longer lasting external field pulse is suggestive of potential resonance enhancement, for instance, of electro-uptake by, and of electro-release of biogenic molecules from, biological cells in trains of long-lasting low-intensity voltage pulses.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
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Dimitrov V, Kakorin S, Neumann E. Transient oscillation of shape and membrane conductivity changes by field pulse-induced electroporation in nano-sized phospholipid vesicles. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2013;15(17):6303-6322.
Dimitrov, V., Kakorin, S., & Neumann, E. (2013). Transient oscillation of shape and membrane conductivity changes by field pulse-induced electroporation in nano-sized phospholipid vesicles. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 15(17), 6303-6322. doi:10.1039/c3cp42873g
Dimitrov, Vasil, Kakorin, Sergej, and Neumann, Eberhard. 2013. “Transient oscillation of shape and membrane conductivity changes by field pulse-induced electroporation in nano-sized phospholipid vesicles”. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15 (17): 6303-6322.
Dimitrov, V., Kakorin, S., and Neumann, E. (2013). Transient oscillation of shape and membrane conductivity changes by field pulse-induced electroporation in nano-sized phospholipid vesicles. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15, 6303-6322.
Dimitrov, V., Kakorin, S., & Neumann, E., 2013. Transient oscillation of shape and membrane conductivity changes by field pulse-induced electroporation in nano-sized phospholipid vesicles. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 15(17), p 6303-6322.
V. Dimitrov, S. Kakorin, and E. Neumann, “Transient oscillation of shape and membrane conductivity changes by field pulse-induced electroporation in nano-sized phospholipid vesicles”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 15, 2013, pp. 6303-6322.
Dimitrov, V., Kakorin, S., Neumann, E.: Transient oscillation of shape and membrane conductivity changes by field pulse-induced electroporation in nano-sized phospholipid vesicles. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 15, 6303-6322 (2013).
Dimitrov, Vasil, Kakorin, Sergej, and Neumann, Eberhard. “Transient oscillation of shape and membrane conductivity changes by field pulse-induced electroporation in nano-sized phospholipid vesicles”. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15.17 (2013): 6303-6322.

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