Interactions between coiled-coil proteins: Drosophila lamin Dm0 binds to the bicaudal-D protein
Stuurman N, Häner M, Sasse B, Hübner W, Suter B, Aebi U (1999)
European journal of cell biology 78(4): 278-287.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Stuurman, N;
Häner, M;
Sasse, B;
Hübner, WolfgangUniBi
Suter, B;
Aebi, U

Abstract / Bemerkung
In a yeast two-hybrid screen we identified an interaction between Drosophila lamin Dm0, a structural nuclear protein, and BICD, a protein involved in oocyte development. The interaction can be reconstituted in vitro and takes place between segments of both proteins predicted to form coiled coils. The affinity for lamin Dm0 of the minimal binding site on BICD is modulated in a complex fashion by other BICD segments. A point mutation, F684I, that causes the dominant, bicaudal, Bic-D phenotype inhibits lamin binding in the context of the minimal lamin-binding site, but not in a larger BICD fragment. The minimal lamin-binding site of BICD binds to a few other coiled-coil proteins, but binding to these proteins is not influenced by the F684I point mutation, suggesting that the interaction with lamin may play a role in Bic-D function. Our structural studies demonstrated that BICD is 60-70% alpha-helical, is a dimer, and consists of two parts: a thin rod-shaped part of about 32 nm, and a thicker rod-shaped part of about 26 nm. Likely, the thinner rod-shaped part of full-length BICD consists of the N-terminal half of the protein, and the lamin-binding site is located within the thicker rod-shaped part.
Nuclear Proteins/chemistry;
Insect Proteins/ultrastructure;
Insect Proteins/chemistry;
Drosophila Proteins;
Point Mutation;
Protein Binding
European journal of cell biology
Page URI
Stuurman N, Häner M, Sasse B, Hübner W, Suter B, Aebi U. Interactions between coiled-coil proteins: Drosophila lamin Dm0 binds to the bicaudal-D protein. European journal of cell biology. 1999;78(4):278-287.
Stuurman, N., Häner, M., Sasse, B., Hübner, W., Suter, B., & Aebi, U. (1999). Interactions between coiled-coil proteins: Drosophila lamin Dm0 binds to the bicaudal-D protein. European journal of cell biology, 78(4), 278-287. doi:10.1016/S0171-9335(99)80061-2
Stuurman, N, Häner, M, Sasse, B, Hübner, Wolfgang, Suter, B, and Aebi, U. 1999. “Interactions between coiled-coil proteins: Drosophila lamin Dm0 binds to the bicaudal-D protein”. European journal of cell biology 78 (4): 278-287.
Stuurman, N., Häner, M., Sasse, B., Hübner, W., Suter, B., and Aebi, U. (1999). Interactions between coiled-coil proteins: Drosophila lamin Dm0 binds to the bicaudal-D protein. European journal of cell biology 78, 278-287.
Stuurman, N., et al., 1999. Interactions between coiled-coil proteins: Drosophila lamin Dm0 binds to the bicaudal-D protein. European journal of cell biology, 78(4), p 278-287.
N. Stuurman, et al., “Interactions between coiled-coil proteins: Drosophila lamin Dm0 binds to the bicaudal-D protein”, European journal of cell biology, vol. 78, 1999, pp. 278-287.
Stuurman, N., Häner, M., Sasse, B., Hübner, W., Suter, B., Aebi, U.: Interactions between coiled-coil proteins: Drosophila lamin Dm0 binds to the bicaudal-D protein. European journal of cell biology. 78, 278-287 (1999).
Stuurman, N, Häner, M, Sasse, B, Hübner, Wolfgang, Suter, B, and Aebi, U. “Interactions between coiled-coil proteins: Drosophila lamin Dm0 binds to the bicaudal-D protein”. European journal of cell biology 78.4 (1999): 278-287.
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