Contesting sovereignty - making a state : Maoist mobilization in Nepal and its interrelation with local subjectivities and the state in Dang

Hecker FN (2012)

Dissertation | Englisch
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Hecker, Friso Nirmal
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Hecker FN. Contesting sovereignty - making a state : Maoist mobilization in Nepal and its interrelation with local subjectivities and the state in Dang. Bielefeld; 2012.
Hecker, F. N. (2012). Contesting sovereignty - making a state : Maoist mobilization in Nepal and its interrelation with local subjectivities and the state in Dang. Bielefeld.
Hecker, Friso Nirmal. 2012. Contesting sovereignty - making a state : Maoist mobilization in Nepal and its interrelation with local subjectivities and the state in Dang. Bielefeld.
Hecker, F. N. (2012). Contesting sovereignty - making a state : Maoist mobilization in Nepal and its interrelation with local subjectivities and the state in Dang. Bielefeld.
Hecker, F.N., 2012. Contesting sovereignty - making a state : Maoist mobilization in Nepal and its interrelation with local subjectivities and the state in Dang, Bielefeld.
F.N. Hecker, Contesting sovereignty - making a state : Maoist mobilization in Nepal and its interrelation with local subjectivities and the state in Dang, Bielefeld: 2012.
Hecker, F.N.: Contesting sovereignty - making a state : Maoist mobilization in Nepal and its interrelation with local subjectivities and the state in Dang. Bielefeld (2012).
Hecker, Friso Nirmal. Contesting sovereignty - making a state : Maoist mobilization in Nepal and its interrelation with local subjectivities and the state in Dang. Bielefeld, 2012.

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