The Bielefeld Longitudinal Study of Adult Twins (BiLSAT)
Kandler C, Riemann R, Spinath FM, Bleidorn W, Thiel W, Angleitner A (2013)
Twin Research And Human Genetics 16(01): 167-172.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Kandler, ChristianUniBi;
Riemann, RainerUniBi
Spinath, Frank M.;
Bleidorn, WiebkeUniBi;
Thiel, WolfgangUniBi;
Angleitner, AloisUniBi

Abstract / Bemerkung
The Bielefeld Longitudinal Study of Adult Twins (BiLSAT) is a German longitudinal study of monozygotic and dizygotic twins reared together, including more than 1,100 twin pairs aged between 14 and 80 who participated in the first wave. Data were collected at five waves of assessment between 1993 and 2009. Initially, the study focused on genetic and environmental influences on the structure and the development in adult temperament and personality. Today, the study includes a broad range of individual variables, such as personality disorders, major life goals, interests, attitudes, values, life and work satisfaction, and major life events. A special feature of this genetically informative study lies in the multiple-rater approach (i.e., self-reports and peer reports). Longitudinal multiple-rater analyses allow researchers to go beyond the basic nature-nurture decomposition of variance in self-reports examining genetic and environmental influences on stability and change in more accurately measured individual attributes. In the current article, we briefly describe the design and contents of BiLSAT as well as some recent major findings and future plans.
multiple-rater twin study;
life events
Twin Research And Human Genetics
Page URI
Kandler C, Riemann R, Spinath FM, Bleidorn W, Thiel W, Angleitner A. The Bielefeld Longitudinal Study of Adult Twins (BiLSAT). Twin Research And Human Genetics. 2013;16(01):167-172.
Kandler, C., Riemann, R., Spinath, F. M., Bleidorn, W., Thiel, W., & Angleitner, A. (2013). The Bielefeld Longitudinal Study of Adult Twins (BiLSAT). Twin Research And Human Genetics, 16(01), 167-172. doi:10.1017/thg.2012.67
Kandler, Christian, Riemann, Rainer, Spinath, Frank M., Bleidorn, Wiebke, Thiel, Wolfgang, and Angleitner, Alois. 2013. “The Bielefeld Longitudinal Study of Adult Twins (BiLSAT)”. Twin Research And Human Genetics 16 (01): 167-172.
Kandler, C., Riemann, R., Spinath, F. M., Bleidorn, W., Thiel, W., and Angleitner, A. (2013). The Bielefeld Longitudinal Study of Adult Twins (BiLSAT). Twin Research And Human Genetics 16, 167-172.
Kandler, C., et al., 2013. The Bielefeld Longitudinal Study of Adult Twins (BiLSAT). Twin Research And Human Genetics, 16(01), p 167-172.
C. Kandler, et al., “The Bielefeld Longitudinal Study of Adult Twins (BiLSAT)”, Twin Research And Human Genetics, vol. 16, 2013, pp. 167-172.
Kandler, C., Riemann, R., Spinath, F.M., Bleidorn, W., Thiel, W., Angleitner, A.: The Bielefeld Longitudinal Study of Adult Twins (BiLSAT). Twin Research And Human Genetics. 16, 167-172 (2013).
Kandler, Christian, Riemann, Rainer, Spinath, Frank M., Bleidorn, Wiebke, Thiel, Wolfgang, and Angleitner, Alois. “The Bielefeld Longitudinal Study of Adult Twins (BiLSAT)”. Twin Research And Human Genetics 16.01 (2013): 167-172.
Daten bereitgestellt von European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)
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The CODATwins Project: The Cohort Description of Collaborative Project of Development of Anthropometrical Measures in Twins to Study Macro-Environmental Variation in Genetic and Environmental Effects on Anthropometric Traits.
Silventoinen K, Jelenkovic A, Sund R, Honda C, Aaltonen S, Yokoyama Y, Tarnoki AD, Tarnoki DL, Ning F, Ji F, Pang Z, Ordoñana JR, Sánchez-Romera JF, Colodro-Conde L, Burt SA, Klump KL, Medland SE, Montgomery GW, Kandler C, McAdams TA, Eley TC, Gregory AM, Saudino KJ, Dubois L, Boivin M, Haworth CM, Plomin R, Öncel SY, Aliev F, Stazi MA, Fagnani C, D'Ippolito C, Craig JM, Saffery R, Siribaddana SH, Hotopf M, Sumathipala A, Spector T, Mangino M, Lachance G, Gatz M, Butler DA, Bayasgalan G, Narandalai D, Freitas DL, Maia JA, Harden KP, Tucker-Drob EM, Christensen K, Skytthe A, Kyvik KO, Hong C, Chong Y, Derom CA, Vlietinck RF, Loos RJ, Cozen W, Hwang AE, Mack TM, He M, Ding X, Chang B, Silberg JL, Eaves LJ, Maes HH, Cutler TL, Hopper JL, Aujard K, Magnusson PK, Pedersen NL, Aslan AK, Song YM, Yang S, Lee K, Baker LA, Tuvblad C, Bjerregaard-Andersen M, Beck-Nielsen H, Sodemann M, Heikkilä K, Tan Q, Zhang D, Swan GE, Krasnow R, Jang KL, Knafo-Noam A, Mankuta D, Abramson L, Lichtenstein P, Krueger RF, McGue M, Pahlen S, Tynelius P, Duncan GE, Buchwald D, Corley RP, Huibregtse BM, Nelson TL, Whitfield KE, Franz CE, Kremen WS, Lyons MJ, Ooki S, Brandt I, Nilsen TS, Inui F, Watanabe M, Bartels M, van Beijsterveldt TC, Wardle J, Llewellyn CH, Fisher A, Rebato E, Martin NG, Iwatani Y, Hayakawa K, Rasmussen F, Sung J, Harris JR, Willemsen G, Busjahn A, Goldberg JH, Boomsma DI, Hur YM, Sørensen TI, Kaprio J., Twin Res Hum Genet 18(4), 2015
PMID: 26014041
Silventoinen K, Jelenkovic A, Sund R, Honda C, Aaltonen S, Yokoyama Y, Tarnoki AD, Tarnoki DL, Ning F, Ji F, Pang Z, Ordoñana JR, Sánchez-Romera JF, Colodro-Conde L, Burt SA, Klump KL, Medland SE, Montgomery GW, Kandler C, McAdams TA, Eley TC, Gregory AM, Saudino KJ, Dubois L, Boivin M, Haworth CM, Plomin R, Öncel SY, Aliev F, Stazi MA, Fagnani C, D'Ippolito C, Craig JM, Saffery R, Siribaddana SH, Hotopf M, Sumathipala A, Spector T, Mangino M, Lachance G, Gatz M, Butler DA, Bayasgalan G, Narandalai D, Freitas DL, Maia JA, Harden KP, Tucker-Drob EM, Christensen K, Skytthe A, Kyvik KO, Hong C, Chong Y, Derom CA, Vlietinck RF, Loos RJ, Cozen W, Hwang AE, Mack TM, He M, Ding X, Chang B, Silberg JL, Eaves LJ, Maes HH, Cutler TL, Hopper JL, Aujard K, Magnusson PK, Pedersen NL, Aslan AK, Song YM, Yang S, Lee K, Baker LA, Tuvblad C, Bjerregaard-Andersen M, Beck-Nielsen H, Sodemann M, Heikkilä K, Tan Q, Zhang D, Swan GE, Krasnow R, Jang KL, Knafo-Noam A, Mankuta D, Abramson L, Lichtenstein P, Krueger RF, McGue M, Pahlen S, Tynelius P, Duncan GE, Buchwald D, Corley RP, Huibregtse BM, Nelson TL, Whitfield KE, Franz CE, Kremen WS, Lyons MJ, Ooki S, Brandt I, Nilsen TS, Inui F, Watanabe M, Bartels M, van Beijsterveldt TC, Wardle J, Llewellyn CH, Fisher A, Rebato E, Martin NG, Iwatani Y, Hayakawa K, Rasmussen F, Sung J, Harris JR, Willemsen G, Busjahn A, Goldberg JH, Boomsma DI, Hur YM, Sørensen TI, Kaprio J., Twin Res Hum Genet 18(4), 2015
PMID: 26014041
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