Gender differences in healthy life years within the EU: an exploration of the "health-survival" paradox.

van Oyen H, Nuselder W, Jagger C, Kolip P, Cambois E, Robine JM (2013)
International Journal of Public Health 58(1): 143-155.

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van Oyen, H; Nuselder, W; Jagger, C; Kolip, PetraUniBi ; Cambois, E; Robine, JM
International Journal of Public Health
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van Oyen H, Nuselder W, Jagger C, Kolip P, Cambois E, Robine JM. Gender differences in healthy life years within the EU: an exploration of the "health-survival" paradox. International Journal of Public Health. 2013;58(1):143-155.
van Oyen, H., Nuselder, W., Jagger, C., Kolip, P., Cambois, E., & Robine, J. M. (2013). Gender differences in healthy life years within the EU: an exploration of the "health-survival" paradox. International Journal of Public Health, 58(1), 143-155. doi:10.1007/s00038-012-0361-1
van Oyen, H, Nuselder, W, Jagger, C, Kolip, Petra, Cambois, E, and Robine, JM. 2013. “Gender differences in healthy life years within the EU: an exploration of the "health-survival" paradox.”. International Journal of Public Health 58 (1): 143-155.
van Oyen, H., Nuselder, W., Jagger, C., Kolip, P., Cambois, E., and Robine, J. M. (2013). Gender differences in healthy life years within the EU: an exploration of the "health-survival" paradox. International Journal of Public Health 58, 143-155.
van Oyen, H., et al., 2013. Gender differences in healthy life years within the EU: an exploration of the "health-survival" paradox. International Journal of Public Health, 58(1), p 143-155.
H. van Oyen, et al., “Gender differences in healthy life years within the EU: an exploration of the "health-survival" paradox.”, International Journal of Public Health, vol. 58, 2013, pp. 143-155.
van Oyen, H., Nuselder, W., Jagger, C., Kolip, P., Cambois, E., Robine, J.M.: Gender differences in healthy life years within the EU: an exploration of the "health-survival" paradox. International Journal of Public Health. 58, 143-155 (2013).
van Oyen, H, Nuselder, W, Jagger, C, Kolip, Petra, Cambois, E, and Robine, JM. “Gender differences in healthy life years within the EU: an exploration of the "health-survival" paradox.”. International Journal of Public Health 58.1 (2013): 143-155.

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