Chiral Particle Separation by a Nonchiral Microlattice

Bogunovic L, Fliedner M, Eichhorn R, Wegener S, Regtmeier J, Anselmetti D, Reimann P (2012)
Physical Review Letters 109(10): 100603.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
We conceived a model experiment for a continuous separation strategy of chiral molecules (enantiomers) without the need of any chiral selector structure or derivatization agents: Microparticles that only differ by their chirality are shown to migrate along different directions when driven by a steady fluid flow through a square lattice of cylindrical posts. In accordance with our numerical predictions, the transport directions of the enantiomers depend very sensitively on the orientation of the lattice relative to the fluid flow.
Physical Review Letters
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Bogunovic L, Fliedner M, Eichhorn R, et al. Chiral Particle Separation by a Nonchiral Microlattice. Physical Review Letters. 2012;109(10): 100603.
Bogunovic, L., Fliedner, M., Eichhorn, R., Wegener, S., Regtmeier, J., Anselmetti, D., & Reimann, P. (2012). Chiral Particle Separation by a Nonchiral Microlattice. Physical Review Letters, 109(10), 100603. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.100603
Bogunovic, Lukas, Fliedner, Marc, Eichhorn, Ralf, Wegener, Sonja, Regtmeier, Jan, Anselmetti, Dario, and Reimann, Peter. 2012. “Chiral Particle Separation by a Nonchiral Microlattice”. Physical Review Letters 109 (10): 100603.
Bogunovic, L., Fliedner, M., Eichhorn, R., Wegener, S., Regtmeier, J., Anselmetti, D., and Reimann, P. (2012). Chiral Particle Separation by a Nonchiral Microlattice. Physical Review Letters 109:100603.
Bogunovic, L., et al., 2012. Chiral Particle Separation by a Nonchiral Microlattice. Physical Review Letters, 109(10): 100603.
L. Bogunovic, et al., “Chiral Particle Separation by a Nonchiral Microlattice”, Physical Review Letters, vol. 109, 2012, : 100603.
Bogunovic, L., Fliedner, M., Eichhorn, R., Wegener, S., Regtmeier, J., Anselmetti, D., Reimann, P.: Chiral Particle Separation by a Nonchiral Microlattice. Physical Review Letters. 109, : 100603 (2012).
Bogunovic, Lukas, Fliedner, Marc, Eichhorn, Ralf, Wegener, Sonja, Regtmeier, Jan, Anselmetti, Dario, and Reimann, Peter. “Chiral Particle Separation by a Nonchiral Microlattice”. Physical Review Letters 109.10 (2012): 100603.

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