Priming of Future States in Complex Motor Skills

Güldenpenning I, Kunde W, Weigelt M, Schack T (2012)
Experimental Psychology 59(5): 286-294.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
The ability to anticipate future states of perceived actions is an important faculty for motor control and the generation of coordinated social interaction. Here, we studied whether the perception of a static posture of a complex movement automatically activates representations of future states of this particular movement event. We did this by using a priming paradigm with photographs of a high-jump movement. Participants judged whether a picture depicted a posture from the approach or flight phase of that movement. To evaluate expertise-dependent effects of priming, non-athletes and athletes were compared. Results revealed faster responding when prime and target pictures were assigned to the same motor response (response priming), and when the temporal order of prime and target matched the temporal order of the depicted postures in a real high jump (temporal-order priming). Whereas experts showed a temporal-order effect even within the same response category, such an effect occurred for novices only between response categories. A second experiment confirmed that these between-group differences are due to domain-specific motor expertise (i.e., high jump) rather than to general motor experiences. Altogether our results suggest that motor expertise results in a more fine-grained posture-based movement representation.
motor control; perception of body postures; response priming; anticipation of future states; motor expertise
Experimental Psychology
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Güldenpenning I, Kunde W, Weigelt M, Schack T. Priming of Future States in Complex Motor Skills. Experimental Psychology. 2012;59(5):286-294.
Güldenpenning, I., Kunde, W., Weigelt, M., & Schack, T. (2012). Priming of Future States in Complex Motor Skills. Experimental Psychology, 59(5), 286-294. doi:10.1027/1618-3169/a000156
Güldenpenning, Iris, Kunde, Wilfried, Weigelt, Matthias, and Schack, Thomas. 2012. “Priming of Future States in Complex Motor Skills”. Experimental Psychology 59 (5): 286-294.
Güldenpenning, I., Kunde, W., Weigelt, M., and Schack, T. (2012). Priming of Future States in Complex Motor Skills. Experimental Psychology 59, 286-294.
Güldenpenning, I., et al., 2012. Priming of Future States in Complex Motor Skills. Experimental Psychology, 59(5), p 286-294.
I. Güldenpenning, et al., “Priming of Future States in Complex Motor Skills”, Experimental Psychology, vol. 59, 2012, pp. 286-294.
Güldenpenning, I., Kunde, W., Weigelt, M., Schack, T.: Priming of Future States in Complex Motor Skills. Experimental Psychology. 59, 286-294 (2012).
Güldenpenning, Iris, Kunde, Wilfried, Weigelt, Matthias, and Schack, Thomas. “Priming of Future States in Complex Motor Skills”. Experimental Psychology 59.5 (2012): 286-294.

4 Zitationen in Europe PMC

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