Die HBSC-Studie in Deutschland - Studiendesign und Methodik

Ottova V, Hillebrandt D, Kolip P, Hoffarth K, Bucksch J, Melzer W, Klocke A, Richter M, Ravens-Sieberer U (2012)
Das Gesundheitswesen 74(S 01): S8-S14.

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Ottova, V; Hillebrandt, D; Kolip, PetraUniBi ; Hoffarth, K; Bucksch, JensUniBi; Melzer, W; Klocke, A; Richter, M; Ravens-Sieberer, U
Alternativer Titel
The HBSC Study in Germany - Study Design and Methodology
Abstract / Bemerkung
The aim of the HBSC-Study is to collect data on the physical and mental health and health behaviour of children and adolescents and to gain a deeper insight into their situation and the specific environment they grow up in. The HBSC-study is an international school-based cross-sectional survey conducted in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO). The survey takes place every 4 years since 1982 and is based on a standardised protocol. In Germany the survey was first conducted in 1994 as a pilot study in North Rhine-Westphalia. The German sample is based on a random sample of classes in all public schools in Germany. 11-, 13-, and 15-year-old pupils are surveyed by means of a paper and pencil questionnaire. The questionnaire comprises a broad selection of -topics, including sociodemographics, health and risk behaviours, family, school and peers. The reported trends in the supplement are based on the data from surveys in 2002 (N=5.650), 2006 (N=7.274) and 2010 (N=5.005). The representative samples for each of the survey years are defined as follows: in 2002 the data is based on information collected in 4 Federal States (Berlin, Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia, Saxony); in 2006 5 states define the German data file (Berlin, Hamburg, Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia, Saxony). The data from the 2010 survey comprises data from 15 Federal States. The HBSC-data contributes towards a better understanding of the relationship between health and living conditions of young people. The papers in this supplement deliver important insights into the living context of young people and in doing this they provide important information about their health and the long-term effectivenes of public-health-measures.
Das Gesundheitswesen
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Ottova V, Hillebrandt D, Kolip P, et al. Die HBSC-Studie in Deutschland - Studiendesign und Methodik. Das Gesundheitswesen. 2012;74(S 01):S8-S14.
Ottova, V., Hillebrandt, D., Kolip, P., Hoffarth, K., Bucksch, J., Melzer, W., Klocke, A., et al. (2012). Die HBSC-Studie in Deutschland - Studiendesign und Methodik. Das Gesundheitswesen, 74(S 01), S8-S14. doi:10.1055/s-0032-1312642
Ottova, V, Hillebrandt, D, Kolip, Petra, Hoffarth, K, Bucksch, Jens, Melzer, W, Klocke, A, Richter, M, and Ravens-Sieberer, U. 2012. “Die HBSC-Studie in Deutschland - Studiendesign und Methodik”. Das Gesundheitswesen 74 (S 01): S8-S14.
Ottova, V., Hillebrandt, D., Kolip, P., Hoffarth, K., Bucksch, J., Melzer, W., Klocke, A., Richter, M., and Ravens-Sieberer, U. (2012). Die HBSC-Studie in Deutschland - Studiendesign und Methodik. Das Gesundheitswesen 74, S8-S14.
Ottova, V., et al., 2012. Die HBSC-Studie in Deutschland - Studiendesign und Methodik. Das Gesundheitswesen, 74(S 01), p S8-S14.
V. Ottova, et al., “Die HBSC-Studie in Deutschland - Studiendesign und Methodik”, Das Gesundheitswesen, vol. 74, 2012, pp. S8-S14.
Ottova, V., Hillebrandt, D., Kolip, P., Hoffarth, K., Bucksch, J., Melzer, W., Klocke, A., Richter, M., Ravens-Sieberer, U.: Die HBSC-Studie in Deutschland - Studiendesign und Methodik. Das Gesundheitswesen. 74, S8-S14 (2012).
Ottova, V, Hillebrandt, D, Kolip, Petra, Hoffarth, K, Bucksch, Jens, Melzer, W, Klocke, A, Richter, M, and Ravens-Sieberer, U. “Die HBSC-Studie in Deutschland - Studiendesign und Methodik”. Das Gesundheitswesen 74.S 01 (2012): S8-S14.

3 Zitationen in Europe PMC

Daten bereitgestellt von Europe PubMed Central.

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