Photonic crystal light collectors in fish retina improve vision in turbid water
Kreysing M, Pusch R, Haverkate D, Landsberger M, Engelmann J, Ruiter J, Mora-Ferrer C, Ulbricht E, Grosche J, Franze K, Streif S, et al. (2012)
Science 336(6089): 1700-1703.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Kreysing, Moritz;
Pusch, Roland;
Haverkate, Dorothee;
Landsberger, Meik;
Engelmann, JacobUniBi
Ruiter, Janina;
Mora-Ferrer, Carlos;
Ulbricht, Elke;
Grosche, Jens;
Franze, Kristian;
Streif, Stefan;
Schumacher, Sarah

Abstract / Bemerkung
Despite their diversity, vertebrate retinae are specialized to maximize either photon catch or visual acuity. Here, we describe a functional type that is optimized for neither purpose. In the retina of the elephantnose fish (Gnathonemus petersii), cone photoreceptors are grouped together within reflecting, photonic crystal-lined cups acting as macroreceptors, but rod photoreceptors are positioned behind these reflectors. This unusual arrangement matches rod and cone sensitivity for detecting color-mixed stimuli, whereas the photoreceptor grouping renders the fish insensitive to spatial noise; together, this enables more reliable flight reactions in the fish's dim and turbid habitat as compared with fish lacking this retinal specialization.
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Kreysing M, Pusch R, Haverkate D, et al. Photonic crystal light collectors in fish retina improve vision in turbid water. Science. 2012;336(6089):1700-1703.
Kreysing, M., Pusch, R., Haverkate, D., Landsberger, M., Engelmann, J., Ruiter, J., Mora-Ferrer, C., et al. (2012). Photonic crystal light collectors in fish retina improve vision in turbid water. Science, 336(6089), 1700-1703. doi:10.1126/science.1218072
Kreysing, Moritz, Pusch, Roland, Haverkate, Dorothee, Landsberger, Meik, Engelmann, Jacob, Ruiter, Janina, Mora-Ferrer, Carlos, et al. 2012. “Photonic crystal light collectors in fish retina improve vision in turbid water”. Science 336 (6089): 1700-1703.
Kreysing, M., Pusch, R., Haverkate, D., Landsberger, M., Engelmann, J., Ruiter, J., Mora-Ferrer, C., Ulbricht, E., Grosche, J., Franze, K., et al. (2012). Photonic crystal light collectors in fish retina improve vision in turbid water. Science 336, 1700-1703.
Kreysing, M., et al., 2012. Photonic crystal light collectors in fish retina improve vision in turbid water. Science, 336(6089), p 1700-1703.
M. Kreysing, et al., “Photonic crystal light collectors in fish retina improve vision in turbid water”, Science, vol. 336, 2012, pp. 1700-1703.
Kreysing, M., Pusch, R., Haverkate, D., Landsberger, M., Engelmann, J., Ruiter, J., Mora-Ferrer, C., Ulbricht, E., Grosche, J., Franze, K., Streif, S., Schumacher, S., Makarov, F., Kacza, J., Guck, J., Wolburg, H., Bowmaker, J.K., von der Emde, G., Schuster, S., Wagner, H.-J., Reichenbach, A., Francke, M.: Photonic crystal light collectors in fish retina improve vision in turbid water. Science. 336, 1700-1703 (2012).
Kreysing, Moritz, Pusch, Roland, Haverkate, Dorothee, Landsberger, Meik, Engelmann, Jacob, Ruiter, Janina, Mora-Ferrer, Carlos, Ulbricht, Elke, Grosche, Jens, Franze, Kristian, Streif, Stefan, Schumacher, Sarah, Makarov, Felix, Kacza, Johannes, Guck, Jochen, Wolburg, Hartwig, Bowmaker, James K, von der Emde, Gerhard, Schuster, Stefan, Wagner, Hans-Joachim, Reichenbach, Andreas, and Francke, Mike. “Photonic crystal light collectors in fish retina improve vision in turbid water”. Science 336.6089 (2012): 1700-1703.
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