Decoherence Window and Electron-Nuclear Cross Relaxation in the Molecular Magnet V-15

Shim JH, Bertaina S, Gambarelli S, Mitra T, Müller A, Baibekov EI, Malkin BZ, Tsukerblat B, Barbara B (2012)
Physical Review Letters 109(5): 50401.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Shim, J. H.; Bertaina, S.; Gambarelli, S.; Mitra, TamoghnaUniBi; Müller, AchimUniBi ; Baibekov, E. I.; Malkin, B. Z.; Tsukerblat, B.; Barbara, B.
Abstract / Bemerkung
Rabi oscillations in the V-15 single molecule magnet embedded in the surfactant (CH3)(2) x [CH3(CH2)(16)CH2](2)N+ have been studied at different microwave powers. An intense damping peak is observed when the Rabi frequency Omega(R) falls in the vicinity of the Larmor frequency of protons omega(N). The experiments are interpreted by a model showing that the damping (or Rabi) time tau(R) is directly associated with decoherence caused by electron-nuclear cross relaxation in the rotating reference frame. This decoherence induces energy dissipation in the range omega(N) - sigma(e) < Omega(R) < omega(N), where sigma(e) is the mean superhyperfine field induced by protons at V-15. Weaker decoherence without dissipation takes place outside this window. Specific estimations suggest that this rapid cross relaxation in a resonant microwave field, observed for the first time in V-15, should also take place, e.g., in Fe-8 and Mn-12.
Physical Review Letters
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Shim JH, Bertaina S, Gambarelli S, et al. Decoherence Window and Electron-Nuclear Cross Relaxation in the Molecular Magnet V-15. Physical Review Letters. 2012;109(5): 50401.
Shim, J. H., Bertaina, S., Gambarelli, S., Mitra, T., Müller, A., Baibekov, E. I., Malkin, B. Z., et al. (2012). Decoherence Window and Electron-Nuclear Cross Relaxation in the Molecular Magnet V-15. Physical Review Letters, 109(5), 50401. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.050401
Shim, J. H., Bertaina, S., Gambarelli, S., Mitra, Tamoghna, Müller, Achim, Baibekov, E. I., Malkin, B. Z., Tsukerblat, B., and Barbara, B. 2012. “Decoherence Window and Electron-Nuclear Cross Relaxation in the Molecular Magnet V-15”. Physical Review Letters 109 (5): 50401.
Shim, J. H., Bertaina, S., Gambarelli, S., Mitra, T., Müller, A., Baibekov, E. I., Malkin, B. Z., Tsukerblat, B., and Barbara, B. (2012). Decoherence Window and Electron-Nuclear Cross Relaxation in the Molecular Magnet V-15. Physical Review Letters 109:50401.
Shim, J.H., et al., 2012. Decoherence Window and Electron-Nuclear Cross Relaxation in the Molecular Magnet V-15. Physical Review Letters, 109(5): 50401.
J.H. Shim, et al., “Decoherence Window and Electron-Nuclear Cross Relaxation in the Molecular Magnet V-15”, Physical Review Letters, vol. 109, 2012, : 50401.
Shim, J.H., Bertaina, S., Gambarelli, S., Mitra, T., Müller, A., Baibekov, E.I., Malkin, B.Z., Tsukerblat, B., Barbara, B.: Decoherence Window and Electron-Nuclear Cross Relaxation in the Molecular Magnet V-15. Physical Review Letters. 109, : 50401 (2012).
Shim, J. H., Bertaina, S., Gambarelli, S., Mitra, Tamoghna, Müller, Achim, Baibekov, E. I., Malkin, B. Z., Tsukerblat, B., and Barbara, B. “Decoherence Window and Electron-Nuclear Cross Relaxation in the Molecular Magnet V-15”. Physical Review Letters 109.5 (2012): 50401.

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