Protecting self-esteem from stigma: A test of different strategies for coping with the stigma of mental illness
Ilic M, Reinecke J, Bohner G, Röttgers H-O, Beblo T, Driessen M, Frommberger U, Corrigan PW (2012)
International Journal of Social Psychiatry 58(3): 246-257.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Ilic, MarieUniBi;
Reinecke, JostUniBi;
Bohner, GerdUniBi
Röttgers, Hans-Onno;
Beblo, ThomasUniBi;
Driessen, MartinUniBi
Frommberger, Ulrich;
Corrigan, Patrick W.
Fakultät für Soziologie > Arbeitsbereich 2 - Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung
Fakultät für Psychologie und Sportwissenschaft > Abteilung für Psychologie > Arbeitseinheit 05 - Sozialpsychologie und experimentalpsychologische Genderforschung
SFB 882 Von Heterogenitäten zu Ungleichheiten > SFB 882 Teilprojekt A > SFB 882 Teilprojekt A2
Fakultät für Psychologie und Sportwissenschaft > Abteilung für Psychologie > Arbeitseinheit 05 - Sozialpsychologie und experimentalpsychologische Genderforschung
SFB 882 Von Heterogenitäten zu Ungleichheiten > SFB 882 Teilprojekt A > SFB 882 Teilprojekt A2
International Journal of Social Psychiatry
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Ilic M, Reinecke J, Bohner G, et al. Protecting self-esteem from stigma: A test of different strategies for coping with the stigma of mental illness. International Journal of Social Psychiatry. 2012;58(3):246-257.
Ilic, M., Reinecke, J., Bohner, G., Röttgers, H. - O., Beblo, T., Driessen, M., Frommberger, U., et al. (2012). Protecting self-esteem from stigma: A test of different strategies for coping with the stigma of mental illness. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 58(3), 246-257.
Ilic, Marie, Reinecke, Jost, Bohner, Gerd, Röttgers, Hans-Onno, Beblo, Thomas, Driessen, Martin, Frommberger, Ulrich, and Corrigan, Patrick W. 2012. “Protecting self-esteem from stigma: A test of different strategies for coping with the stigma of mental illness”. International Journal of Social Psychiatry 58 (3): 246-257.
Ilic, M., Reinecke, J., Bohner, G., Röttgers, H. - O., Beblo, T., Driessen, M., Frommberger, U., and Corrigan, P. W. (2012). Protecting self-esteem from stigma: A test of different strategies for coping with the stigma of mental illness. International Journal of Social Psychiatry 58, 246-257.
Ilic, M., et al., 2012. Protecting self-esteem from stigma: A test of different strategies for coping with the stigma of mental illness. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 58(3), p 246-257.
M. Ilic, et al., “Protecting self-esteem from stigma: A test of different strategies for coping with the stigma of mental illness”, International Journal of Social Psychiatry, vol. 58, 2012, pp. 246-257.
Ilic, M., Reinecke, J., Bohner, G., Röttgers, H.-O., Beblo, T., Driessen, M., Frommberger, U., Corrigan, P.W.: Protecting self-esteem from stigma: A test of different strategies for coping with the stigma of mental illness. International Journal of Social Psychiatry. 58, 246-257 (2012).
Ilic, Marie, Reinecke, Jost, Bohner, Gerd, Röttgers, Hans-Onno, Beblo, Thomas, Driessen, Martin, Frommberger, Ulrich, and Corrigan, Patrick W. “Protecting self-esteem from stigma: A test of different strategies for coping with the stigma of mental illness”. International Journal of Social Psychiatry 58.3 (2012): 246-257.
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