Capturing Firm Behavior in Agent-Based Models of Industry Evolution and Macroeconomic Dynamics
Dawid H, Harting P (2012)
In: Applied Evolutionary Economics, Behavior and Organizations. Bünstorf G (Ed); Edward-Elgar: 103-130.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Bünstorf, Guido
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Lehrstuhl für VWL, Wirtschaftstheorie und Computational Economics
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Institut für Technologische Innovation, Marktentwicklung und Entrepreneurship
Institut für mathematische Wirtschaftsforschung
SFB 882 Von Heterogenitäten zu Ungleichheiten > SFB 882 Teilprojekt A > SFB 882 Teilprojekt A4
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Institut für Technologische Innovation, Marktentwicklung und Entrepreneurship
Institut für mathematische Wirtschaftsforschung
SFB 882 Von Heterogenitäten zu Ungleichheiten > SFB 882 Teilprojekt A > SFB 882 Teilprojekt A4
agent-based modelling;
Eurace@Unibi model;
Applied Evolutionary Economics, Behavior and Organizations
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Dawid H, Harting P. Capturing Firm Behavior in Agent-Based Models of Industry Evolution and Macroeconomic Dynamics. In: Bünstorf G, ed. Applied Evolutionary Economics, Behavior and Organizations. Edward-Elgar; 2012: 103-130.
Dawid, H., & Harting, P. (2012). Capturing Firm Behavior in Agent-Based Models of Industry Evolution and Macroeconomic Dynamics. In G. Bünstorf (Ed.), Applied Evolutionary Economics, Behavior and Organizations (pp. 103-130). Edward-Elgar.
Dawid, Herbert, and Harting, Philipp. 2012. “Capturing Firm Behavior in Agent-Based Models of Industry Evolution and Macroeconomic Dynamics”. In Applied Evolutionary Economics, Behavior and Organizations, ed. Guido Bünstorf, 103-130. Edward-Elgar.
Dawid, H., and Harting, P. (2012). “Capturing Firm Behavior in Agent-Based Models of Industry Evolution and Macroeconomic Dynamics” in Applied Evolutionary Economics, Behavior and Organizations, Bünstorf, G. ed. (Edward-Elgar), 103-130.
Dawid, H., & Harting, P., 2012. Capturing Firm Behavior in Agent-Based Models of Industry Evolution and Macroeconomic Dynamics. In G. Bünstorf, ed. Applied Evolutionary Economics, Behavior and Organizations. Edward-Elgar, pp. 103-130.
H. Dawid and P. Harting, “Capturing Firm Behavior in Agent-Based Models of Industry Evolution and Macroeconomic Dynamics”, Applied Evolutionary Economics, Behavior and Organizations, G. Bünstorf, ed., Edward-Elgar, 2012, pp.103-130.
Dawid, H., Harting, P.: Capturing Firm Behavior in Agent-Based Models of Industry Evolution and Macroeconomic Dynamics. In: Bünstorf, G. (ed.) Applied Evolutionary Economics, Behavior and Organizations. p. 103-130. Edward-Elgar (2012).
Dawid, Herbert, and Harting, Philipp. “Capturing Firm Behavior in Agent-Based Models of Industry Evolution and Macroeconomic Dynamics”. Applied Evolutionary Economics, Behavior and Organizations. Ed. Guido Bünstorf. Edward-Elgar, 2012. 103-130.