Onset Transition to Cold Nuclear Matter from Lattice QCD with Heavy Quarks

Fromm M, Langelage J, Lottini S, Neuman M, Philipsen O (2013)
Physical Review Letters 110(12): 122001.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Fromm, Michael; Langelage, JensUniBi; Lottini, Stefano; Neuman, Mathias; Philipsen, Owe
Abstract / Bemerkung
Lattice QCD at finite density suffers from a severe sign problem, which hasso far prohibited simulations of the cold and dense regime. Here we study theonset of nuclear matter employing a three-dimensional effective theory derivedby combined strong coupling and hopping expansions, which is valid for heavybut dynamical quarks and has a mild sign problem only. Its numericalevaluations agree between a standard Metropolis and complex Langevin algorithm,where the latter is free of the sign problem. Our continuum extrapolated dataclearly show a first order phase transition building up at $\mu_B \approx m_B$as the temperature approaches zero. An excellent description of the data isachieved by an analytic solution in the strong coupling limit.
Physical Review Letters
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Fromm M, Langelage J, Lottini S, Neuman M, Philipsen O. Onset Transition to Cold Nuclear Matter from Lattice QCD with Heavy Quarks. Physical Review Letters. 2013;110(12): 122001.
Fromm, M., Langelage, J., Lottini, S., Neuman, M., & Philipsen, O. (2013). Onset Transition to Cold Nuclear Matter from Lattice QCD with Heavy Quarks. Physical Review Letters, 110(12), 122001. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.122001
Fromm, Michael, Langelage, Jens, Lottini, Stefano, Neuman, Mathias, and Philipsen, Owe. 2013. “Onset Transition to Cold Nuclear Matter from Lattice QCD with Heavy Quarks”. Physical Review Letters 110 (12): 122001.
Fromm, M., Langelage, J., Lottini, S., Neuman, M., and Philipsen, O. (2013). Onset Transition to Cold Nuclear Matter from Lattice QCD with Heavy Quarks. Physical Review Letters 110:122001.
Fromm, M., et al., 2013. Onset Transition to Cold Nuclear Matter from Lattice QCD with Heavy Quarks. Physical Review Letters, 110(12): 122001.
M. Fromm, et al., “Onset Transition to Cold Nuclear Matter from Lattice QCD with Heavy Quarks”, Physical Review Letters, vol. 110, 2013, : 122001.
Fromm, M., Langelage, J., Lottini, S., Neuman, M., Philipsen, O.: Onset Transition to Cold Nuclear Matter from Lattice QCD with Heavy Quarks. Physical Review Letters. 110, : 122001 (2013).
Fromm, Michael, Langelage, Jens, Lottini, Stefano, Neuman, Mathias, and Philipsen, Owe. “Onset Transition to Cold Nuclear Matter from Lattice QCD with Heavy Quarks”. Physical Review Letters 110.12 (2013): 122001.

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