The cognitive representation of directions in auditory space: The influence of sight condition and skill level in orientation

de Castro Campos M, Bläsing B, Portes LL, Schack T (2012)
Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology 34(Suppl.): S210.

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Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology
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de Castro Campos M, Bläsing B, Portes LL, Schack T. The cognitive representation of directions in auditory space: The influence of sight condition and skill level in orientation. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology. 2012;34(Suppl.):S210.
de Castro Campos, M., Bläsing, B., Portes, L. L., & Schack, T. (2012). The cognitive representation of directions in auditory space: The influence of sight condition and skill level in orientation. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 34(Suppl.), S210.
de Castro Campos, Marcella, Bläsing, Bettina, Portes, Leonardo L., and Schack, Thomas. 2012. “The cognitive representation of directions in auditory space: The influence of sight condition and skill level in orientation”, Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 34 (Suppl.): S210.
de Castro Campos, M., Bläsing, B., Portes, L. L., and Schack, T. (2012). The cognitive representation of directions in auditory space: The influence of sight condition and skill level in orientation. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology 34, S210.
de Castro Campos, M., et al., 2012. The cognitive representation of directions in auditory space: The influence of sight condition and skill level in orientation. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 34(Suppl.), p S210.
M. de Castro Campos, et al., “The cognitive representation of directions in auditory space: The influence of sight condition and skill level in orientation”, Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, vol. 34, 2012, pp. S210.
de Castro Campos, M., Bläsing, B., Portes, L.L., Schack, T.: The cognitive representation of directions in auditory space: The influence of sight condition and skill level in orientation. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology. 34, S210 (2012).
de Castro Campos, Marcella, Bläsing, Bettina, Portes, Leonardo L., and Schack, Thomas. “The cognitive representation of directions in auditory space: The influence of sight condition and skill level in orientation”. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology 34.Suppl. (2012): S210.

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