The tongue - not essential for the production of tongue twisters?

Zimmermann J, Bressmann T, Foltz A, Irish J (2012)
In: Talk given at the ICPLA Conference 2012, Cork, Ireland.

Kurzbeitrag Konferenz / Poster | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Zimmermann, Jana; Bressmann, Tim; Foltz, AnouschkaUniBi; Irish, Jonathan
Titel des Konferenzbandes
Talk given at the ICPLA Conference 2012, Cork, Ireland.
ICPLA Conference 2012
Cork, Ireland
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Zimmermann J, Bressmann T, Foltz A, Irish J. The tongue - not essential for the production of tongue twisters? In: Talk given at the ICPLA Conference 2012, Cork, Ireland. 2012.
Zimmermann, J., Bressmann, T., Foltz, A., & Irish, J. (2012). The tongue - not essential for the production of tongue twisters? Talk given at the ICPLA Conference 2012, Cork, Ireland.
Zimmermann, Jana, Bressmann, Tim, Foltz, Anouschka, and Irish, Jonathan. 2012. “The tongue - not essential for the production of tongue twisters?”. In Talk given at the ICPLA Conference 2012, Cork, Ireland.
Zimmermann, J., Bressmann, T., Foltz, A., and Irish, J. (2012). “The tongue - not essential for the production of tongue twisters?” in Talk given at the ICPLA Conference 2012, Cork, Ireland.
Zimmermann, J., et al., 2012. The tongue - not essential for the production of tongue twisters? In Talk given at the ICPLA Conference 2012, Cork, Ireland.
J. Zimmermann, et al., “The tongue - not essential for the production of tongue twisters?”, Talk given at the ICPLA Conference 2012, Cork, Ireland., 2012.
Zimmermann, J., Bressmann, T., Foltz, A., Irish, J.: The tongue - not essential for the production of tongue twisters? Talk given at the ICPLA Conference 2012, Cork, Ireland. (2012).
Zimmermann, Jana, Bressmann, Tim, Foltz, Anouschka, and Irish, Jonathan. “The tongue - not essential for the production of tongue twisters?”. Talk given at the ICPLA Conference 2012, Cork, Ireland. 2012.

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