Effects of stimulus cueing on bimanual grasp posture planning
Hughes C, Seegelke C, Reissig P, Schütz C (2012)
Experimental Brain Research 219(3): 391-401.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Fakultät für Psychologie und Sportwissenschaft > Abteilung für Psychologie > Arbeitseinheit 14 - Biopsychologie und Kognitive Neurowissenschaften
Center of Excellence - Cognitive Interaction Technology CITEC
Research Institute for Cognition and Robotics
Fakultät für Psychologie und Sportwissenschaft > Abteilung Sportwissenschaft > Arbeitsbereich II - Neurokognition und Bewegung - Biomechanik
Center of Excellence - Cognitive Interaction Technology CITEC
Research Institute for Cognition and Robotics
Fakultät für Psychologie und Sportwissenschaft > Abteilung Sportwissenschaft > Arbeitsbereich II - Neurokognition und Bewegung - Biomechanik
Abstract / Bemerkung
The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether difficulties in bimanual grasp posture planning arise from conflicts in response selection. Forty-five participants were assigned to one of three groups (symbolic cueing, semi-symbolic cueing, and direct cueing) and instructed to reach for, grasp, and place two objects on a board in various end-orientations, depending on condition. In general, the tendency to adopt initial grasps that resulted in end-state comfort was significantly higher for the semi-symbolic, than that for the other two groups. There were, however, noticeable individual differences in grip behavior in the symbolic and direct cueing groups. Although the majority of participants performed the task in a similar fashion to the semi-symbolic group, there was a subset of participants (40 % in each group) who grasped the two objects using an overhand grip in virtually all trials, regardless of condition. It is hypothesized that the observed individual differences in grasp posture strategy arise from differences in motor planning abilities, or the strategies participants employ in order to comply with task demands. A secondary finding is that the degree of interlimb coupling was larger for congruent, than incongruent, conditions irrespective of stimulus cueing. This finding indicates that the interference in the execution of bimanual grasping and placing tasks arises from interference during the specification of movement parameters specific to planning and execution of bimanual movements, or neuronal cross-talk in efferent pathways, rather than response selection conflicts.
End-state comfort;
Bimanual coordination;
Grasping and placing
Experimental Brain Research
Page URI
Hughes C, Seegelke C, Reissig P, Schütz C. Effects of stimulus cueing on bimanual grasp posture planning. Experimental Brain Research. 2012;219(3):391-401.
Hughes, C., Seegelke, C., Reissig, P., & Schütz, C. (2012). Effects of stimulus cueing on bimanual grasp posture planning. Experimental Brain Research, 219(3), 391-401. doi:10.1007/s00221-012-3100-1
Hughes, Charmayne, Seegelke, Christian, Reissig, Paola, and Schütz, Christoph. 2012. “Effects of stimulus cueing on bimanual grasp posture planning”. Experimental Brain Research 219 (3): 391-401.
Hughes, C., Seegelke, C., Reissig, P., and Schütz, C. (2012). Effects of stimulus cueing on bimanual grasp posture planning. Experimental Brain Research 219, 391-401.
Hughes, C., et al., 2012. Effects of stimulus cueing on bimanual grasp posture planning. Experimental Brain Research, 219(3), p 391-401.
C. Hughes, et al., “Effects of stimulus cueing on bimanual grasp posture planning”, Experimental Brain Research, vol. 219, 2012, pp. 391-401.
Hughes, C., Seegelke, C., Reissig, P., Schütz, C.: Effects of stimulus cueing on bimanual grasp posture planning. Experimental Brain Research. 219, 391-401 (2012).
Hughes, Charmayne, Seegelke, Christian, Reissig, Paola, and Schütz, Christoph. “Effects of stimulus cueing on bimanual grasp posture planning”. Experimental Brain Research 219.3 (2012): 391-401.
Daten bereitgestellt von European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)
12 Zitationen in Europe PMC
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