Selective effects of motor expertise in mental body rotation tasks: Comparing object-based and perspective transformations

Steggemann Y, Engbert K, Weigelt M (2011)
Brain and Cognition 76(1): 97-105.

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Steggemann Y, Engbert K, Weigelt M. Selective effects of motor expertise in mental body rotation tasks: Comparing object-based and perspective transformations. Brain and Cognition. 2011;76(1):97-105.
Steggemann, Y., Engbert, K., & Weigelt, M. (2011). Selective effects of motor expertise in mental body rotation tasks: Comparing object-based and perspective transformations. Brain and Cognition, 76(1), 97-105. doi:10.1016/j.bandc.2011.02.013
Steggemann, Yvonne, Engbert, K., and Weigelt, Matthias. 2011. “Selective effects of motor expertise in mental body rotation tasks: Comparing object-based and perspective transformations”. Brain and Cognition 76 (1): 97-105.
Steggemann, Y., Engbert, K., and Weigelt, M. (2011). Selective effects of motor expertise in mental body rotation tasks: Comparing object-based and perspective transformations. Brain and Cognition 76, 97-105.
Steggemann, Y., Engbert, K., & Weigelt, M., 2011. Selective effects of motor expertise in mental body rotation tasks: Comparing object-based and perspective transformations. Brain and Cognition, 76(1), p 97-105.
Y. Steggemann, K. Engbert, and M. Weigelt, “Selective effects of motor expertise in mental body rotation tasks: Comparing object-based and perspective transformations”, Brain and Cognition, vol. 76, 2011, pp. 97-105.
Steggemann, Y., Engbert, K., Weigelt, M.: Selective effects of motor expertise in mental body rotation tasks: Comparing object-based and perspective transformations. Brain and Cognition. 76, 97-105 (2011).
Steggemann, Yvonne, Engbert, K., and Weigelt, Matthias. “Selective effects of motor expertise in mental body rotation tasks: Comparing object-based and perspective transformations”. Brain and Cognition 76.1 (2011): 97-105.

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