How work interferes with partnerships. Mechanisms influencing strains, conflicts, and dissolution

Diewald M, Hoherz S, Graf T, Böhm S (In Press)
In: Partnership Relations in context. Walper S, Brüderl J (Eds); Springer.

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Walper, S.; Brüderl, J.
Partnership Relations in context
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Diewald M, Hoherz S, Graf T, Böhm S. How work interferes with partnerships. Mechanisms influencing strains, conflicts, and dissolution. In: Walper S, Brüderl J, eds. Partnership Relations in context. Springer; In Press.
Diewald, M., Hoherz, S., Graf, T., & Böhm, S. (In Press). How work interferes with partnerships. Mechanisms influencing strains, conflicts, and dissolution. In S. Walper & J. Brüderl (Eds.), Partnership Relations in context Springer.
Diewald, Martin, Hoherz, Stefanie, Graf, Tobias, and Böhm, Sebastian. In Press. “How work interferes with partnerships. Mechanisms influencing strains, conflicts, and dissolution”. In Partnership Relations in context, ed. S. Walper and J. Brüderl. Springer.
Diewald, M., Hoherz, S., Graf, T., and Böhm, S. (In Press). “How work interferes with partnerships. Mechanisms influencing strains, conflicts, and dissolution” in Partnership Relations in context, Walper, S., and Brüderl, J. eds. (Springer).
Diewald, M., et al., In Press. How work interferes with partnerships. Mechanisms influencing strains, conflicts, and dissolution. In S. Walper & J. Brüderl, eds. Partnership Relations in context. Springer.
M. Diewald, et al., “How work interferes with partnerships. Mechanisms influencing strains, conflicts, and dissolution”, Partnership Relations in context, S. Walper and J. Brüderl, eds., Springer, In Press.
Diewald, M., Hoherz, S., Graf, T., Böhm, S.: How work interferes with partnerships. Mechanisms influencing strains, conflicts, and dissolution. In: Walper, S. and Brüderl, J. (eds.) Partnership Relations in context. Springer (In Press).
Diewald, Martin, Hoherz, Stefanie, Graf, Tobias, and Böhm, Sebastian. “How work interferes with partnerships. Mechanisms influencing strains, conflicts, and dissolution”. Partnership Relations in context. Ed. S. Walper and J. Brüderl. Springer, In Press.

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