The Oddly Quiet Universe: How the CMB challenges cosmology's standard model
Starkman GD, Copi CJ, Huterer D, Schwarz D (2012)
Romanian Journal of Physics 57(5-6, SI): 599-991.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Starkman, Glenn D.;
Copi, Craig J.;
Huterer, Dragan;
Schwarz, DominikUniBi 

Abstract / Bemerkung
We discuss selected large-scale anomalies in the maps of temperatureanisotropies in the cosmic microwave background. Specfically, these includealignments of the largest modes of CMB anisotropy with one another and with thegeometry and direction of motion of the Solar System, and the unexpectedabsence of two-point angular corellations especially outside the region of thesky most contaminated by the Galaxy. We discuss these findings in relation toexpectations from standard inflationary cosmology. This paper is adapted from atalk given by one of us (GDS) at the SEENET-2011 meeting in August 2011 on theSerbian bank of the Danube River.
Romanian Journal of Physics
5-6, SI
Page URI
Starkman GD, Copi CJ, Huterer D, Schwarz D. The Oddly Quiet Universe: How the CMB challenges cosmology's standard model. Romanian Journal of Physics. 2012;57(5-6, SI):599-991.
Starkman, G. D., Copi, C. J., Huterer, D., & Schwarz, D. (2012). The Oddly Quiet Universe: How the CMB challenges cosmology's standard model. Romanian Journal of Physics, 57(5-6, SI), 599-991.
Starkman, Glenn D., Copi, Craig J., Huterer, Dragan, and Schwarz, Dominik. 2012. “The Oddly Quiet Universe: How the CMB challenges cosmology's standard model”. Romanian Journal of Physics 57 (5-6, SI): 599-991.
Starkman, G. D., Copi, C. J., Huterer, D., and Schwarz, D. (2012). The Oddly Quiet Universe: How the CMB challenges cosmology's standard model. Romanian Journal of Physics 57, 599-991.
Starkman, G.D., et al., 2012. The Oddly Quiet Universe: How the CMB challenges cosmology's standard model. Romanian Journal of Physics, 57(5-6, SI), p 599-991.
G.D. Starkman, et al., “The Oddly Quiet Universe: How the CMB challenges cosmology's standard model”, Romanian Journal of Physics, vol. 57, 2012, pp. 599-991.
Starkman, G.D., Copi, C.J., Huterer, D., Schwarz, D.: The Oddly Quiet Universe: How the CMB challenges cosmology's standard model. Romanian Journal of Physics. 57, 599-991 (2012).
Starkman, Glenn D., Copi, Craig J., Huterer, Dragan, and Schwarz, Dominik. “The Oddly Quiet Universe: How the CMB challenges cosmology's standard model”. Romanian Journal of Physics 57.5-6, SI (2012): 599-991.
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arXiv: 1201.2459
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