Genomic profiling of developing cardiomyocytes from recombinant murine embryonic stem cells reveals regulation of transcription factor clusters

Seewald MJ, Ellinghaus P, Kassner A, Stork I, Barg M, Niebrügge S, Golz S, Summer H, Zweigerdt R, Schräder EM, Feicht S, et al. (2009)
Physiological Genomics 38(1): 7-15.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Seewald, Michael J.; Ellinghaus, Peter; Kassner, Astrid; Stork, Ines; Barg, Martina; Niebrügge, Sylvia; Golz, Stefan; Summer, Holger; Zweigerdt, Robert; Schräder, Eva MariaUniBi; Feicht, Samantha; Jaquet, Kornelia
Abstract / Bemerkung
Cardiomyocytes derived from pluripotent embryonic stem cells (ESC) have the advantage of providing a source for standardized cell cultures. However, little is known on the regulation of the genome during differentiation of ESC to cardiomyocytes. Here, we characterize the transcriptome of the mouse ESC line CM7/1 during differentiation into beating cardiomyocytes and compare the gene expression profiles with those from primary adult murine cardiomyocytes and left ventricular myocardium. We observe that the cardiac gene expression pattern of fully differentiated CM7/1-ESC is highly similar to adult primary cardiomyocytes and murine myocardium, respectively. This finding is underlined by demonstrating pharmacological effects of catecholamines and endothelin- 1 on ESC-derived cardiomyocytes. Furthermore, we monitor the temporal changes in gene expression pattern during ESC differentiation with a special focus on transcription factors involved in cardiomyocyte differentiation. Thus, CM7/1-ESC-derived cardiomyocytes are a promising new tool for functional studies of cardiomyocytes in vitro and for the analysis of the transcription factor network regulating pluripotency and differentiation to cardiomyocytes.
Physiological Genomics
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Seewald MJ, Ellinghaus P, Kassner A, et al. Genomic profiling of developing cardiomyocytes from recombinant murine embryonic stem cells reveals regulation of transcription factor clusters. Physiological Genomics. 2009;38(1):7-15.
Seewald, M. J., Ellinghaus, P., Kassner, A., Stork, I., Barg, M., Niebrügge, S., Golz, S., et al. (2009). Genomic profiling of developing cardiomyocytes from recombinant murine embryonic stem cells reveals regulation of transcription factor clusters. Physiological Genomics, 38(1), 7-15.
Seewald, Michael J., Ellinghaus, Peter, Kassner, Astrid, Stork, Ines, Barg, Martina, Niebrügge, Sylvia, Golz, Stefan, et al. 2009. “Genomic profiling of developing cardiomyocytes from recombinant murine embryonic stem cells reveals regulation of transcription factor clusters”. Physiological Genomics 38 (1): 7-15.
Seewald, M. J., Ellinghaus, P., Kassner, A., Stork, I., Barg, M., Niebrügge, S., Golz, S., Summer, H., Zweigerdt, R., Schräder, E. M., et al. (2009). Genomic profiling of developing cardiomyocytes from recombinant murine embryonic stem cells reveals regulation of transcription factor clusters. Physiological Genomics 38, 7-15.
Seewald, M.J., et al., 2009. Genomic profiling of developing cardiomyocytes from recombinant murine embryonic stem cells reveals regulation of transcription factor clusters. Physiological Genomics, 38(1), p 7-15.
M.J. Seewald, et al., “Genomic profiling of developing cardiomyocytes from recombinant murine embryonic stem cells reveals regulation of transcription factor clusters”, Physiological Genomics, vol. 38, 2009, pp. 7-15.
Seewald, M.J., Ellinghaus, P., Kassner, A., Stork, I., Barg, M., Niebrügge, S., Golz, S., Summer, H., Zweigerdt, R., Schräder, E.M., Feicht, S., Jaquet, K., Reis, S., Körfer, R., Milting, H.: Genomic profiling of developing cardiomyocytes from recombinant murine embryonic stem cells reveals regulation of transcription factor clusters. Physiological Genomics. 38, 7-15 (2009).
Seewald, Michael J., Ellinghaus, Peter, Kassner, Astrid, Stork, Ines, Barg, Martina, Niebrügge, Sylvia, Golz, Stefan, Summer, Holger, Zweigerdt, Robert, Schräder, Eva Maria, Feicht, Samantha, Jaquet, Kornelia, Reis, Stephanie, Körfer, Reiner, and Milting, Hendrik. “Genomic profiling of developing cardiomyocytes from recombinant murine embryonic stem cells reveals regulation of transcription factor clusters”. Physiological Genomics 38.1 (2009): 7-15.

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