Collaborative Learning in Virtual Environments

Schäffer D, Heeren J (2013)
In: Synthetic Worlds: Emerging Technologies in Education and Economics. Hebbel-Seeger A, Reiners T, Schäffer D (Eds); Integrated Series in Information Systems, Volume 33 2014. New York: Springer Science+Business Media: 295-319.

Sammelwerksbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Hebbel-Seeger, Andreas; Reiners, Thorsten; Schäffer, Dennis
Abstract / Bemerkung
With regard to the increasing demand for facilities that allow self-directed learning, the Department for Educational Sciences at the University of Bielefeld in Germany initiated the project “E-Learning 3D” (EL3) in 2007. The project was designed to develop a virtual learning environment in which students as well as lecturers could interact without actually being on campus. It was expected that such a learning environment could serve as a complementary component of the university’s schedule of lectures. The EL3 project chose the virtual world Second Life (SL) as the infrastructure for the establishment of the required learning spaces. SL is an online-based system which allows the users to move and act in a seemingly three-dimensional space. At the outset of EL3, Second Life was a ubiquitous phenomenon throughout the media. Today, though the medial omnipresence of SL is gone, the number of users is nonetheless still rising. So far, more than 25 million accounts were registered worldwide for the multi-user virtual environment.This article will cover the genesis and decisions made during the process, as well as a description of the employed and adapted learning environments and tools of EL3.
Synthetic Worlds: Emerging Technologies in Education and Economics
Integrated Series in Information Systems
Volume 33 2014
Page URI


Schäffer D, Heeren J. Collaborative Learning in Virtual Environments. In: Hebbel-Seeger A, Reiners T, Schäffer D, eds. Synthetic Worlds: Emerging Technologies in Education and Economics. Integrated Series in Information Systems. Vol Volume 33 2014. New York: Springer Science+Business Media; 2013: 295-319.
Schäffer, D., & Heeren, J. (2013). Collaborative Learning in Virtual Environments. In A. Hebbel-Seeger, T. Reiners, & D. Schäffer (Eds.), Integrated Series in Information Systems: Vol. Volume 33 2014. Synthetic Worlds: Emerging Technologies in Education and Economics (pp. 295-319). New York: Springer Science+Business Media.
Schäffer, Dennis, and Heeren, Jörg. 2013. “Collaborative Learning in Virtual Environments”. In Synthetic Worlds: Emerging Technologies in Education and Economics, ed. Andreas Hebbel-Seeger, Thorsten Reiners, and Dennis Schäffer, Volume 33 2014:295-319. Integrated Series in Information Systems. New York: Springer Science+Business Media.
Schäffer, D., and Heeren, J. (2013). “Collaborative Learning in Virtual Environments” in Synthetic Worlds: Emerging Technologies in Education and Economics, Hebbel-Seeger, A., Reiners, T., and Schäffer, D. eds. Integrated Series in Information Systems, vol. Volume 33 2014, (New York: Springer Science+Business Media), 295-319.
Schäffer, D., & Heeren, J., 2013. Collaborative Learning in Virtual Environments. In A. Hebbel-Seeger, T. Reiners, & D. Schäffer, eds. Synthetic Worlds: Emerging Technologies in Education and Economics. Integrated Series in Information Systems. no.Volume 33 2014 New York: Springer Science+Business Media, pp. 295-319.
D. Schäffer and J. Heeren, “Collaborative Learning in Virtual Environments”, Synthetic Worlds: Emerging Technologies in Education and Economics, A. Hebbel-Seeger, T. Reiners, and D. Schäffer, eds., Integrated Series in Information Systems, vol. Volume 33 2014, New York: Springer Science+Business Media, 2013, pp.295-319.
Schäffer, D., Heeren, J.: Collaborative Learning in Virtual Environments. In: Hebbel-Seeger, A., Reiners, T., and Schäffer, D. (eds.) Synthetic Worlds: Emerging Technologies in Education and Economics. Integrated Series in Information Systems. Volume 33 2014, p. 295-319. Springer Science+Business Media, New York (2013).
Schäffer, Dennis, and Heeren, Jörg. “Collaborative Learning in Virtual Environments”. Synthetic Worlds: Emerging Technologies in Education and Economics. Ed. Andreas Hebbel-Seeger, Thorsten Reiners, and Dennis Schäffer. New York: Springer Science+Business Media, 2013.Vol. Volume 33 2014. Integrated Series in Information Systems. 295-319.
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Synthetic Worlds: Emerging Technologies in Education and Economics
Hebbel-Seeger A, Reiners T, Schäffer D (Eds) (2014) Integrated Series in Information Systems; Volume 33.
New York: Springer Science+Business Media.

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