{"department":[{"_id":"10030"}],"type_old":["dissertation"],"language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"citation":{"apa":"Achieng', R. M. (2004). <em>\"Home away from home?\": Internally displaced women and their translocal ethnic and gender co-operation in reconstructing the meaning of places ; (burnt forest and langas - Uasin Ngishu Kenya)</em>. Bielefeld.","chicago":"<div style=\"text-indent:-25px; padding-left:25px;padding-bottom:0px;\">Achieng', Roseline M. 2004. <em>\"Home away from home?\": Internally displaced women and their translocal ethnic and gender co-operation in reconstructing the meaning of places ; (burnt forest and langas - Uasin Ngishu Kenya)</em>. Bielefeld.</div>","aps":" R. M. Achieng', \"Home away from home?\": Internally displaced women and their translocal ethnic and gender co-operation in reconstructing the meaning of places ; (burnt forest and langas - Uasin Ngishu Kenya), (Bielefeld, 2004).","angewandte-chemie":"R. M. Achieng', <em>\"Home away from home?\": Internally displaced women and their translocal ethnic and gender co-operation in reconstructing the meaning of places ; (burnt forest and langas - Uasin Ngishu Kenya)</em>, Bielefeld, <strong>2004</strong>.","dgps":"<div style=\"text-indent:-25px; padding-left:25px;padding-bottom:0px;\">Achieng', R.M. (2004). <em>\"Home away from home?\": Internally displaced women and their translocal ethnic and gender co-operation in reconstructing the meaning of places ; (burnt forest and langas - Uasin Ngishu Kenya)</em>. Bielefeld.</div>","harvard1":"Achieng', R.M., 2004. <em>\"Home away from home?\": Internally displaced women and their translocal ethnic and gender co-operation in reconstructing the meaning of places ; (burnt forest and langas - Uasin Ngishu Kenya)</em>, Bielefeld.","ama":"Achieng' RM. <em>\"Home away from home?\": Internally displaced women and their translocal ethnic and gender co-operation in reconstructing the meaning of places ; (burnt forest and langas - Uasin Ngishu Kenya)</em>. Bielefeld; 2004.","wels":"Achieng', R. M. (2004): \"Home away from home?\": Internally displaced women and their translocal ethnic and gender co-operation in reconstructing the meaning of places ; (burnt forest and langas - Uasin Ngishu Kenya). Bielefeld.","frontiers":"Achieng', R. M. (2004). \"Home away from home?\": Internally displaced women and their translocal ethnic and gender co-operation in reconstructing the meaning of places ; (burnt forest and langas - Uasin Ngishu Kenya). Bielefeld.","mla":"Achieng', Roseline M. <em>\"Home away from home?\": Internally displaced women and their translocal ethnic and gender co-operation in reconstructing the meaning of places ; (burnt forest and langas - Uasin Ngishu Kenya)</em>. Bielefeld, 2004.","bio1":"Achieng' RM (2004) <br /><em>\"Home away from home?\": Internally displaced women and their translocal ethnic and gender co-operation in reconstructing the meaning of places ; (burnt forest and langas - Uasin Ngishu Kenya)</em>.<br />Bielefeld.","lncs":" Achieng', R.M.: \"Home away from home?\": Internally displaced women and their translocal ethnic and gender co-operation in reconstructing the meaning of places ; (burnt forest and langas - Uasin Ngishu Kenya). Bielefeld (2004).","ieee":" R.M. Achieng', <em>\"Home away from home?\": Internally displaced women and their translocal ethnic and gender co-operation in reconstructing the meaning of places ; (burnt forest and langas - Uasin Ngishu Kenya)</em>, Bielefeld: 2004.","default":"Achieng' RM (2004) <br />Bielefeld.","apa_indent":"<div style=\"text-indent:-25px; padding-left:25px;padding-bottom:0px;\">Achieng', R. M. (2004). <em>\"Home away from home?\": Internally displaced women and their translocal ethnic and gender co-operation in reconstructing the meaning of places ; (burnt forest and langas - Uasin Ngishu Kenya)</em>. Bielefeld.</div>"},"date_updated":"2018-07-24T13:01:48Z","status":"public","_id":"2435325","year":"2004","type":"dissertation","author":[{"first_name":"Roseline M.","full_name":"Achieng', Roseline M.","last_name":"Achieng'"}],"page":"VI, 253","title":"\"Home away from home?\": Internally displaced women and their translocal ethnic and gender co-operation in reconstructing the meaning of places ; (burnt forest and langas - Uasin Ngishu Kenya)","first_contributor":"Achieng', Roseline M.","place":"Bielefeld","date_created":"2011-11-28T14:03:39Z"}