Biodiversity wave mechanics: a physics for living systems ; an energetic, evolutionary, niche-related and synthetic equilibrium theory of the statistical mechanics of ideal perturbed biospheres as a new strategy to understand basic characteristics of living systems at the organismic level
Hashmi D (2002)
Göttingen: Cuvillier.
Dissertation | Englisch
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Hashmi, Dean
X, 731
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Hashmi D. Biodiversity wave mechanics: a physics for living systems ; an energetic, evolutionary, niche-related and synthetic equilibrium theory of the statistical mechanics of ideal perturbed biospheres as a new strategy to understand basic characteristics of living systems at the organismic level. Göttingen: Cuvillier; 2002.
Hashmi, D. (2002). Biodiversity wave mechanics: a physics for living systems ; an energetic, evolutionary, niche-related and synthetic equilibrium theory of the statistical mechanics of ideal perturbed biospheres as a new strategy to understand basic characteristics of living systems at the organismic level. Göttingen: Cuvillier.
Hashmi, Dean. 2002. Biodiversity wave mechanics: a physics for living systems ; an energetic, evolutionary, niche-related and synthetic equilibrium theory of the statistical mechanics of ideal perturbed biospheres as a new strategy to understand basic characteristics of living systems at the organismic level. Göttingen: Cuvillier.
Hashmi, D. (2002). Biodiversity wave mechanics: a physics for living systems ; an energetic, evolutionary, niche-related and synthetic equilibrium theory of the statistical mechanics of ideal perturbed biospheres as a new strategy to understand basic characteristics of living systems at the organismic level. Göttingen: Cuvillier.
Hashmi, D., 2002. Biodiversity wave mechanics: a physics for living systems ; an energetic, evolutionary, niche-related and synthetic equilibrium theory of the statistical mechanics of ideal perturbed biospheres as a new strategy to understand basic characteristics of living systems at the organismic level, Göttingen: Cuvillier.
D. Hashmi, Biodiversity wave mechanics: a physics for living systems ; an energetic, evolutionary, niche-related and synthetic equilibrium theory of the statistical mechanics of ideal perturbed biospheres as a new strategy to understand basic characteristics of living systems at the organismic level, Göttingen: Cuvillier, 2002.
Hashmi, D.: Biodiversity wave mechanics: a physics for living systems ; an energetic, evolutionary, niche-related and synthetic equilibrium theory of the statistical mechanics of ideal perturbed biospheres as a new strategy to understand basic characteristics of living systems at the organismic level. Cuvillier, Göttingen (2002).
Hashmi, Dean. Biodiversity wave mechanics: a physics for living systems ; an energetic, evolutionary, niche-related and synthetic equilibrium theory of the statistical mechanics of ideal perturbed biospheres as a new strategy to understand basic characteristics of living systems at the organismic level. Göttingen: Cuvillier, 2002.