{"type_old":["dissertation"],"place":"Bielefeld","page":"IV, 143","date_created":"2011-11-28T14:03:39Z","department":[{"_id":"10036"}],"citation":{"frontiers":"Darwish, S. M. I. (2002). Characterization of protein fractions from potato fruit juice and their use for the production of protein gels by means of a microbial transglutaminase. Bielefeld.","apa_indent":"<div style=\"text-indent:-25px; padding-left:25px;padding-bottom:0px;\">Darwish, S. M. I. (2002). <em>Characterization of protein fractions from potato fruit juice and their use for the production of protein gels by means of a microbial transglutaminase</em>. Bielefeld.</div>","angewandte-chemie":"S. M. I. Darwish, <em>Characterization of protein fractions from potato fruit juice and their use for the production of protein gels by means of a microbial transglutaminase</em>, Bielefeld, <strong>2002</strong>.","ieee":" S.M.I. Darwish, <em>Characterization of protein fractions from potato fruit juice and their use for the production of protein gels by means of a microbial transglutaminase</em>, Bielefeld: 2002.","mla":"Darwish, Soumia Mohamed Ibrahim. <em>Characterization of protein fractions from potato fruit juice and their use for the production of protein gels by means of a microbial transglutaminase</em>. Bielefeld, 2002.","wels":"Darwish, S. M. I. (2002): Characterization of protein fractions from potato fruit juice and their use for the production of protein gels by means of a microbial transglutaminase. Bielefeld.","ama":"Darwish SMI. <em>Characterization of protein fractions from potato fruit juice and their use for the production of protein gels by means of a microbial transglutaminase</em>. Bielefeld; 2002.","chicago":"<div style=\"text-indent:-25px; padding-left:25px;padding-bottom:0px;\">Darwish, Soumia Mohamed Ibrahim. 2002. <em>Characterization of protein fractions from potato fruit juice and their use for the production of protein gels by means of a microbial transglutaminase</em>. Bielefeld.</div>","lncs":" Darwish, S.M.I.: Characterization of protein fractions from potato fruit juice and their use for the production of protein gels by means of a microbial transglutaminase. Bielefeld (2002).","aps":" S. M. I. Darwish, Characterization of protein fractions from potato fruit juice and their use for the production of protein gels by means of a microbial transglutaminase, (Bielefeld, 2002).","dgps":"<div style=\"text-indent:-25px; padding-left:25px;padding-bottom:0px;\">Darwish, S.M.I. (2002). <em>Characterization of protein fractions from potato fruit juice and their use for the production of protein gels by means of a microbial transglutaminase</em>. Bielefeld.</div>","bio1":"Darwish SMI (2002) <br /><em>Characterization of protein fractions from potato fruit juice and their use for the production of protein gels by means of a microbial transglutaminase</em>.<br />Bielefeld.","default":"Darwish SMI (2002) <br />Bielefeld.","apa":"Darwish, S. M. I. (2002). <em>Characterization of protein fractions from potato fruit juice and their use for the production of protein gels by means of a microbial transglutaminase</em>. Bielefeld.","harvard1":"Darwish, S.M.I., 2002. <em>Characterization of protein fractions from potato fruit juice and their use for the production of protein gels by means of a microbial transglutaminase</em>, Bielefeld."},"date_updated":"2018-07-24T13:01:08Z","title":"Characterization of protein fractions from potato fruit juice and their use for the production of protein gels by means of a microbial transglutaminase","status":"public","_id":"2434666","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"first_contributor":"Darwish, Soumia Mohamed Ibrahim","year":"2002","author":[{"full_name":"Darwish, Soumia Mohamed Ibrahim","first_name":"Soumia Mohamed Ibrahim","last_name":"Darwish"}],"type":"dissertation"}